英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ken]

美 [kɛn]




过去式: kenned/kent 过去分词: kenned/kent 现在分词: kenning 第三人称单数: kens

At break, Amy meets Ken in the hallway.(休息时,艾米在走廊遇见了肯。)
Do they associate with Mary and Ken out of genuine affection, or because spending time with such miserable types makes them feel (and look) better?(他们与玛丽和肯恩交往是出于真诚的感情,还是因为与这种可悲的人在一起会让他们感觉(和看起来)更好?)
"I'm not meddling," Ken said mildly, "I'm just curious."(“我不是在管闲事,”肯温和地说,“我只是好奇。”)
Assistant engineer Ken Kessie noted that Walden worked very quickly.(助理工程师肯·凯斯注意到沃尔登工作地非常迅速。)
Ken passed the books to Sergeant Wong.(肯把那些书递给了黄巡佐。)
They invited Ken Kesey to come and speak at the convention, at the teach-in.(他们邀请肯·凯西来大会上演讲,在宣讲会上。)
Ken began to lament the death of his only son.(肯为他独生子的去世开始感到悲痛。)
KEN: What time will the next train leave?(肯:下一班火车什么时候开?)
"I know, I know," said Ken, grumpily, without looking up.(“我知道,我知道”肯没好气地说着,连头也不抬。)
Ken was in the act of paying his bill when Neil came up behind him.(当尼尔走到他身后时,肯正在付账单。)
  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 视野,眼界,视界,视域
  • 知识范围,知识领域,理解范围
  • 肯(音译名)
  • 见地
  • 景象
  • 巢穴,窝
  • 认识,理解
  • 知觉
  • 知道,懂得
  • 看到,看见,望见
  • 认出,看出,认识
  • 【法律】承认…为法定继承人


1. the range of vision

e.g. out of sight of land

Synonym: sight

2. range of what one can know or understand

e.g. beyond my ken

Synonym: cognizance

1. 为…所不理解;在…的知识范围之外
If something is beyond your ken, you do not have enough knowledge to be able to understand it.


e.g. The subject matter was so technical as to be beyond the ken of the average layman.

1. 肯尼亚:肯尼亚(KEN) 布里明基普鲁托(Brimin Kipruto),肯尼亚(KEN) 保罗基普西勒科伊奇(Paul Kipsiele Koech),卡塔尔运动员塞尔萨依德沙希恩(Saif Saaeed Shaheen)是男子3,000米障碍跑世界纪录(7分53秒63)的保持者,

2. ken什么意思

2. 知识范围:Over-specific education will narrow students 知识范围(ken)现在社会知识越来越多都是跨学科的专业太细会影响自己对社会上新鲜事物、大量信息的接收量这样教育就不可能truly effective了反而detrimental

3. ken:kenya olympic association; 肯尼亚奥林匹克协会

4. ken:kenya; 肯尼亚

  • 经典引文

  • Sex..was something beyond his ken, which he never consciously thought about.

    出自:P. Arrowsmith
  • I dinna ken what ye mean, Alec.

    出自:G. Macdonald
  • He kens the difference yet of right and wrong.

    出自:T. H. White
  • Perhaps the authorities..didnae ken his faither, for they made his son Professor of..Astronomy!

    出自:Scottish Field
ken是什么意思 ken在线翻译 ken什么意思 ken的意思 ken的翻译 ken的解释 ken的发音 ken的同义词