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更新时间:2025-03-17 09:28:57



英 [kənˈdʒenɪtl]

美 [kənˈdʒɛnɪtl]


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副词: congenitally

  • 详情解释

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  • 天生的
  • 先天的
  • 生性的
  • 生就的
  • 生来的
  • 天赋的
  • 先天性的
  • 同源的
  • 内在的
  • 固有的


1. present at birth but not necessarily hereditary
acquired during fetal development

Synonym: inborninnate

1. (病症)先天的
A congenital disease or medical condition is one that a person has had from birth, but is not inherited.

e.g. When John was 17, he died of congenital heart disease.

...congenitally deaf patients.

2. 天生的;生性的
A congenital characteristic or feature in a person is so strong that you cannot imagine it ever changing, although there may seem to be no reason for it.

e.g. He was a congenital liar and usually in debt.

I admit to being congenitally lazy.

1. 先天性:出生时已存在听力障碍者称先天性(congenital)遗传性聋,出生以后的某个时期(多发生在婴幼儿期、儿童期或青少年期)开始出现听力障碍者称为获得性先天性(acquired congenital)遗传性聋.

2. 天生的:congenial 意气相投,友善的 | congenital 天生的 | congest 拥塞

3. 先天性病:chronic 慢性病 | congenital 先天性病 | nausea 恶心

4. 先天的,生来的:congenerous 协同的,共同的 | congenital 先天的,生来的 | conical 圆锥形的

  • 经典引文

  • I was not a congenital idiot.

    出自:M. Lowry
  • The delivery of a child suffering from congenital syphilis.

    出自:G. Bourne
He has congenital eye disease, but hearing is normal.(命主先生有先天性眼疾,但听觉正常。)
Congenital rubella syndrome happens when a mother is infected with rubella during pregnancy and her baby is born with serious birth defects.(先天风疹综合症发生是当母亲在怀孕期间感染风疹和她的孩子在出生时有严重先天缺陷。)
Congenital heart disease.(先天性心脏病。)
Sufferers have light and sparse scalp and body hair, a reduced ability to sweat and the congenital absence of teeth.(患上此病的人不能暴露在阳光下、头发稀少、排汗系统差、并且长有尖利的牙齿,这使得他们看起来酷似“吸血鬼”。)
The transovarial virus in 1st and 4th generations of congenital viruliferous insects can cause the second infection.(第1、4代经卵带毒虫还能分别引起早、晚稻再次侵染。)
It may be congenital If it will not is a congenital reproductive capacity, but also larger in order to check out.(也可能是先天性,如果是先天性的就会没有生殖能力,但还要大一点才能检查得出来。)
Eleven of these survivors had a congenital anomaly such as a malformation of the heart or a facial cleft.(在这138个例中,有11例患有先天性畸形,如心脏畸形或面部裂口。)
For the younger population, perinatal complications, congenital, developmental and genetic conditions are associated with epilepsy.(对年轻人而言,围产期并发症以及先天性、发育和遗传病症与癫痫相关。)
When John was 17, he died of congenital heart disease.(约翰在17岁那年死于先天性心脏病。)
This amazing procedure isn't for everyone, but it can extend the lives of patients with congenital heart defects or coronary heart disease.(这个令人惊叹的手术并不适合每个人,但是它可以延长那些有心脏功能障碍和冠状动脉有问题的患者的生命。)
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