英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:13:01



英 [kənˈglɒmərət]

美 [kənˈglɑ:mərət]




形容词: conglomeratic 名词: conglomerator 过去式: conglomerated 过去分词: conglomerated 现在分词: conglomerating 第三人称单数: conglomerates

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1. a group of diverse companies under common ownership and run as a single organization

Synonym: empire

2. a composite rock made up of particles of varying size

Synonym: pudding stone


1. collect or gather

e.g. Journals are accumulating in my office
The work keeps piling up

Synonym: accumulatecumulatepile upgatheramass


1. composed of heterogeneous elements gathered into a mass

e.g. the conglomerate peoples of New England

1. 大型联合企业;企业集团
A conglomerate is a large business firm consisting of several different companies.

e.g. Fiat is Italy's largest industrial conglomerate.

1. 砾岩:1、砾岩(conglomerate)和角砾岩:碎屑岩中大于2mm的颗粒>50%的岩石称为砾岩,如果砾石为棱角状或次棱角状则称为角砾岩. 砾岩和角砾岩的砾石主要由岩屑组成,矿物成分则多为石英和燧石,胶结物可为泥质、铁质、钙质、硅质等.

2. 联合企业:第三次企业并购浪潮终止于1929年10月29日证券市场大崩溃和持续数年的经济大萧条. 由于塞勒-凯弗尔法案的约束,在这次企业并购浪潮中,企业普遍采取了多元化经营战略,表现为多元化并购. 随着企业并购活动的升级,联合企业(conglomerate)越来越多,逐渐成为普遍的社会现象.

3. conglomerate是什么意思

3. 企业集团:从20世纪60年代开始,曾在实业界盛极一时的企业集团(Conglomerate)发展理念和发展模式,逐渐渗透进入媒介产业界. 一些大型的媒介组织为了稳固和加强自己在市场上的主导权,通过兼并运动来吞掉其它媒介组织,从而发展成巨大的媒介企业集团,

4. 集团:20世纪60年代以来,西方传媒业采用经济界盛行的企业集团(Conglomerate)发展理念和发展模式,出现了一批传媒企业集团. 美国在线-时代华纳、迪斯尼、贝塔斯曼、新闻集团、维亚康姆等五大传媒集团堪称全球传媒界的巨头.

  • 经典引文

  • Infinite numbers of dull people conglomerated round her.

    出自:V. Woolf
One of the oldest breweries has now joined an international conglomerate of drinks manufacturers.(一家历史最悠久的酿造厂已加入国际性饮料子制造商集团。)
Under Mr Prince, Citi is belatedly trying to make the conglomerate model work.(在普林斯的治下,花旗迈出迟到的一步,试图使庞大的集团模式顺畅地工作。)
In Thailand, Tesco teamed up with CP Group, an agri-business conglomerate, before going it alone.(在泰国,特易购在单干之前,先与泰国正大集团(卜蜂集团)联手,这是一家经营农牧业的企业集团。)
In 2003, the head of SK Group, a conglomerate, was convicted of illegal share swaps designed to keep the group in family control.(2003年,SK集团的首脑为了维持其家族对集团的控制,非法进行股权交换,并因此获罪。)
Subsequent burial under younger sediments consolidated the eroded materials to form the conglomerate exposed at the surface today.(随后,新的沉积物通过覆盖,加固了受侵蚀的岩石,进而形成今天人们看到的砾岩石阵。)
The plant is now part of Jaguar Land Rover (JLR), owned by Tata Motors, the car division of an Indian conglomerate.(现在,该厂股东中加上了捷豹路虎的名字,捷豹路虎现为印度一巨型集团汽车部塔塔公司所有。)
The G1 website, Brazil’s leading news website, belongs to Organizações Globo, Latin America’s biggest media conglomerate.(巴西领先的新闻网站——G1网站隶属于拉丁美洲最大的媒体集团OrganizaçõesGlobo。)
Strikingly, the financial conglomerate is paying slightly higher interest on its five-year debt than Lehman or Bear Stearns.(引人注意的是,这个金融集团对其五年期负债付出的利息稍高于雷曼和贝尔斯登。)
Walter Berglund is a lawyer who works for the multinational conglomerate 3m.(沃尔特•宾格莱是个律师,在跨国企业集团3m任职。)
The two RIGS with the most frequent oil spills are owned by Shell and the French conglomerate Total.(这两个最为频繁漏油的钻井属于壳牌和法国道达尔公司。)
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