英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [kəˈnəʊt]

美 [kəˈnoʊt]


过去式: connoted 过去分词: connoted 现在分词: connoting 第三人称单数: connotes

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1. express or state indirectly

Synonym: imply

2. involve as a necessary condition of consequence
as in logic

e.g. solving the problem is predicated on understanding it well

Synonym: predicate

1. (词或名字)隐含,暗示,使人联想到
If a word or name connotes something, it makes you think of a particular idea or quality.

e.g. The term 'organization' often connotes a sense of neatness. organization


1. 含意,暗示:connect 连接 | connote 含意,暗示 | conquer 征服,克服

2. 意味着,含蓄(指词内涵):15.subsist 生存,维持生活 | 16.attribute 特征,属性 | 17.connote 意味着,含蓄(指词内涵)

3. 含言外之意:connotative 隐含的 | connote 含言外之意 | connubial 婚姻的

4. 內涵:internal control 內控 | connote 內涵 | intension 內涵

  • 经典引文

  • Deism..connotes along with natural religion a negation of the..Christian revelation.

    出自:M. Pattison
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

If those meanings are good, and in particular if they connote trust and prestige, then the brand stands for something valuable.(如果那些含义不错,特别是如果它们意味着信任和威信,那么这个品牌代表了一些有价值的东西。)
The word "food" may connote "greed".(这个词可以含有“贪婪”的意思。)
On the other side of the spectrum are diagrams like organizational charts, Venn diagrams, or interlocking gears that connote a very specific meaning for the information they portray.(该改进的另外一面是如组织图的图表,维恩图或者连锁齿轮,表达著信息描绘的特殊意义。)
On the other side of the spectrum are diagrams like organizational charts , venn diagrams , or interlocking gears that connote a very specific meaning for the information they portray.(该改进的另外一面是如组织图的图表,维恩图或者连锁齿轮,表达着信息描绘的特殊意义。)
From Gao Yong connote the detailing that close the spiritual influence, crazy the magnitude that can have studied that spiritual influence very clearly.(从高庸涵有关灵气的描述中,狂尊可以很清晰地获知灵气的重要性。)
Some grammatical rules of English connote much pragmatic information.(摘要英语语法规则中蕴含丰富的语用信息。)
The term "program" is not intended to connote complete rigidity.(“程序”这个词不含有完全定型的意思。)
If we all have a desire to know,? Doesn't this connote something universal, that all should be free, that all should participate in ruling and being ruled as citizens of a city?(如果我们都有求知欲,这不就意味着一种普遍性吗,即所有的人都应是自由人,所有的公民应参与城市中的统治,与被统治的活动?)
More recently, it has come to connote not just those who share a common French cultural inheritance.(最近以来,这一术语所暗含的意思,不仅指那些享有共同法国文化传承的人。)
In Japanese, it uses different ways of expression to connote its Chinese meanings.(相对于中文“随着”的六个义项,日语则要以不同的表达方式来表现这六个义项。)
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