英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈsɪgnɪfaɪ]

美 [ˈsɪɡnəˌfaɪ]



形容词: signifiable 名词: signifier 过去式: signified 过去分词: signified 现在分词: signifying 第三人称单数: signifies

  • 详情解释

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  • 英英释义

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  • 说明,表达,显示,表示,表明
  • 意思是,意味(着),表示...的意思
  • 成为预兆,预示
  • 装模作样,装腔作势
  • 有重大关系,有重要性,要紧
  • 示意
  • 冒充内行
  • 象征
  • vt. 表明; 预示 make known; be a sign of
  • vi. 有关系 be of importance



1. denote or connote

e.g. `maison' means `house' in French
An example sentence would show what this word means

Synonym: meanintendstand for

2. convey or express a meaning

e.g. These words mean nothing to me!
What does his strange behavior signify?

3. make known with a word or signal

e.g. He signified his wish to pay the bill for our meal

1. 表示;意味着;意思是
If an event, a sign, or a symbol signifies something, it is a sign of that thing or represents that thing.

e.g. The contrasting approaches to Europe signified a sharp difference between the major parties...
e.g. The symbol displayed outside a restaurant signifies there's excellent cuisine inside.

2. (用记号或手势)表明,表达,表示
If you signify something, you make a sign or gesture in order to communicate a particular meaning.

e.g. Two jurors signified their dissent...
e.g. The UN flag was raised at the airport yesterday to signify that control had passed into its hands.

1. 表示;意味:shun 回避 | signify 表示;意味 | spread 传播

2. 表示:sign, signature 签字 | signify 表示 | small companies regime 小公司体制

3. 点上标记、表示:design 设计 | signify 点上标记、表示 | significant 重要的、有意义的

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • It signifies much.
  • Well, just come.It signifies much to me.
  • What you said signifies little.
  • The Prime Minister's resignation signified a great deal.
  • The time when we leave does not signify.
  • Never mind that mistake, it doesn't signify.
  • Doesn't it signify to go or to stay?
用作动词 (v.)
  • Madness by no means signifies an utter want of design.

    出自:B. Bainbridge
  • The..dean lowered his head, perhaps to signify that he was deep in thought.

    出自:E. Segal
  • The candles are lit to signify the new world, the new year, the new life.

    出自:A. S. Byatt
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • signify的基本意思是“表明,预示”,可指人表明某事,也可指从某物可以推测到与之相关的事物。用作及物动词,接名词、代词、动词不定式、that从句、带疑问词的从句作宾语。
  • signify作“有关系”解时是正式用语,用作不及物动词,后面常跟副词。多用于否定句或疑问句结构。
signify, connote, denote, imply, indicate, mean, suggest, symbolize
  • 这组词的共同意思是“意指”。其区别是:
  • 1.mean是普通用语,对于明确与否的观点、物品都可以用; suggest意为“具有…的含义”,暗示“表明”。例如:
  • He claims to mean one thing, but his choice of words suggests quite another.他宣称指的是一件事,而他的话却含有另外一个含义。
  • 2.indicate与imply意为“说明,表明,象征”, indicate通常指明显、明确的事物。例如:
  • A high fever indicates a severe illness.高烧预示着要生病了。
  • imply通常指含蓄地、不明确地“暗示”。例如:
  • His smile implied that he had forgotten all about the time.他的笑预示着他完全忘记了时间。
  • 3.denote与connote通常指明示的内容、含义,从外观上即可看出。例如:
  • The word “lion” denotes〔connotes〕 a certain kind of animal.“狮子”这个词指一种动物。
  • 4.connote与suggest和imply有时可以替换,但connote的用法比其他两个词较为正式。例如:
  • Hunger connotes〔suggests, implies〕 unhappiness.饥饿就预示着不高兴。
  • 5.signify与symbolize表示“意味,象征”, symbolize通常指用物、符号代表某物,着重表示抽象的概念。例如:
  • What does this strange mark signify〔symbolize〕?这个奇怪的符号代表什么?
  • 6.signify有时可以和mean互换。例如:
  • A red sunset signifies〔means〕 fine weather.一轮火红的落日象征着一个好天气。
    • 近义词

    • 反义词

    • 临近词

    Armenia: Two white doves may be released to signify love and happiness.(亚美尼亚:人们放飞两只白鸽,以示爱情和幸福。)
    Tom turned an inquiring look toward Hertford, who whispered, "Your Majesty will signify consent."(汤姆带着询问的目光望着赫德福,他低声说:“陛下应表示同意。”)
    "What does this signify?" Xuande asked Pang Tong.(玄德问庞统曰:“此何兆也?”。)
    What does this signify?(那是什么意思?)
    In a game of mulleys, what does "par" actually signify?(在一次“mulligan”的比赛中,“标准杆”的实际意义是什么?)
    The rising numbers signify growing vitality in foreign markets—when we import more stuff, it puts more cash in the hands of people around the world.(不断增长的数字,表明国外市场的活力在不断增长。当我们进口更多,全世界的人们手中就有了更多钱。)
    These quarrels signify a problem that is more than superficial.(这些争吵表现的问题绝不肤浅。)
    Getting into Yale may signify intelligence, talent and ambition.(进入耶鲁大学可能意味着有智慧、才能和雄心。)
    So what might the criticism signify?(那么这次批评意味着什么呢?)
    They also focused on important rituals that appeared to preserve a people's social structure, such as initiation ceremonies that formally signify children's entrance into adulthood.(他们还注重于那些似乎能保存一个民族社会结构的重要仪式,比如正式标志着孩子进入成年的入会仪式。)
    signify是什么意思 signify在线翻译 signify什么意思 signify的意思 signify的翻译 signify的解释 signify的发音 signify的同义词