英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 12:18:19
  • 英英释义


1. terminate or abbreviate before its intended or proper end or its full extent

e.g. My speech was cut short
Personal freedom is curtailed in many countries

Synonym: clipcurtail

2. make shorter as if by cutting off

e.g. truncate a word
Erosion has truncated the ridges of the mountains

Synonym: truncate

3. interrupt before its natural or planned end

e.g. We had to cut short our vacation

Synonym: break shortbreak off

4. cause to end earlier than intended

e.g. The spontaneous applause cut the singer short

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The prime minister had to cut short a trip to Africa to take charge at home.(首相不得不缩短在非洲的访问日程,早点赶回来处理家务事。)
In the course of my life he broke my strength; he cut short my days.(他使我的力量,中道衰弱,使我的年日短少。)
New England's long and snowy winters might be cut short to as little as two weeks.(新英格兰漫长而多雪的冬季将会缩短至两个星期。)
We've already had to cut short two rehearsals and we've got a concert in 6 weeks.(我们已经被迫精简了两次排练,而6周后还有一场音乐会。)
I want my hair cut short.(我要剪短发。)
He generally keeps his hair cut short.(他通常都留着很短的发型。)
Perhaps one explanation for her mistakes is that she cut short her Suriname trip after getting sick, and completed the book at home in Amsterdam.(关于她的失误的一种解释可能是:她生病后中断了苏里南之旅,并在阿姆斯特丹的家中完成了这本书。)
You'd better cut short the lecture.(你最好缩短讲稿的内容。)
Her internship was cut short because of a technical snafu.(因为技术事故,她的实习期缩短了。)
My thick, black hair had been recently cut short into a shag style.(我一头浓浓的黑发最近刚被剪短成一种蓬松的发型。)
cut short是什么意思 cut short在线翻译 cut short什么意思 cut short的意思 cut short的翻译 cut short的解释 cut short的发音 cut short的同义词