英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:50:52



英 [dɪˈlɪŋkwənt]

美 [dɪˈlɪŋkwənt,-ˈlɪn-]



副词: delinquently

  • 英英释义

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1. a young offender

Synonym: juvenile delinquent



1. past due
not paid at the scheduled time

e.g. an overdue installment
a delinquent account

Synonym: overdue

2. failing in what duty requires

e.g. derelict (or delinquent) in his duty
neglectful of his duties
remiss of you not to pay your bills

Synonym: derelictneglectfulremiss

3. guilty of a misdeed

e.g. delinquent minors

1. (通常指青少年)常有违法行为的,屡犯轻罪的
Someone, usually a young person, who is delinquent repeatedly commits minor crimes.

e.g. ...remand homes for delinquent children.

2. 拖欠债务的;未缴税款的
A delinquent borrower or taxpayer is someone who has failed to pay their debts or taxes.

e.g. ...a delinquent borrower.

1. 拖欠帐款:delimiter 定界符 | delinquent 拖欠帐款 | deliver 传递(回叫)

2. 违法者过失者:delinquent party 违约当事人 | delinquent 违法者;过失者 | delinquent 违法者过失者

3. 犯罪的,做错的,失职的:deliberate 故意的,深思熟虑的 | delinquent 犯罪的,做错的,失职的 | juvenile 青少年

  • 经典引文

  • Where Crimes are enormous, the Delinquent deserves little Pity.

  • Had he turned out a problem child, perhaps a delinquent.

    出自:I. Murdoch
That would allow the loan to be classed as "current" rather than "delinquent".(这样起码他们可以把贷款归类为“还贷中”,而不是“拖欠中”。)
If a bank refinanced a loan that soon became delinquent.(如果银行批准了一笔再融资贷款,但是该贷款不久就发生付款拖欠。)
Of 73, 000 loans modified in the first quarter of last year, 43% were again delinquent eight months later (see chart).(去年第一季度有73000笔贷款被重组,其中43%的贷款在重组后的8个月又陷入危机(详见统计图)。)
The companies have also been unwilling to accept the pain of market prices in acknowledging delinquent loans.(这两家公司仍然不愿接受拖欠贷款影响市场价格造成的痛苦。)
Lenders of all stripes clearly prefer to foreclose on delinquent borrowers.(对于逾期不还贷的借款人,形形色色的放款人明显青睐没收他们的房产。)
The percentage of homeowners delinquent on mortgage payments rose to 7 percent, up from 5.6 percent a year ago.(贷款信用不佳的房主数量比例则在一年前的5.6%的基础上又增加了7个百分点。)
I have never come to the community and asked for personal donations, but being a non profit I cannot stand for any delinquent payments or bills.(虽然我从未到社区请求私人捐款,但作为一个非赢利组织,我不能容许任何违法的付款或账单。)
Assets in foreclosure or delinquent, up fivefold from a year ago, continue to climb.(丧失抵押赎回权的资产和坏账比一年前涨了五倍,还在继续增加。)
In a matter of months, 10% of the bank's 56, 000 seriously delinquent borrowers had their payments reduced to 38% or less of income.(在几个月里,银行的56000个问题严重的债务人中有10%将其还款额降至收入的38%以下。)
After a balance has been delinquent for six months, regulations require the card company to reduce the value of the debt on its books to zero.(根据规定,当信用卡欠款拖欠6个月时,信用卡公司就要将其债务表上的债务降为零。)
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