英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 12:49:04



vt. 使懊恼; 挫败; 征服

n. 挫败

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过去式: discomfited 过去分词: discomfited 现在分词: discomfiting 第三人称单数: discomfits

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. people who are defeated

e.g. the Romans had no pity for the defeated

Synonym: defeated


1. disappointingly unsuccessful

e.g. disappointed expectations and thwarted ambitions
their foiled attempt to capture Calais
many frustrated poets end as pipe-smoking teachers
his best efforts were thwarted

Synonym: defeateddisappointedfoiledfrustratedthwarted

1. discomfited的解释

1. 侷促不安:337. 越俎代庖 do on behalf of another something not in one's own line of duty | 338. 侷促不安 nervous, uneasy, agitated, discomfited | 339. 倍增傷感 doubly grieved

2. 困惑的,尴尬的:discomfit: 使懊恼;使难堪 | discomfited: 困惑的,尴尬的 | discomfiture: 狼狈,难堪

3. 慌乱的:reverent 恭敬的 虔诚的 | discomfited 慌乱的 | nonplus 使困惑

  • 经典引文

  • Not impeded by those wants that usually discomfit private persons in such enquiries.

    出自:R. Sharrock
  • He seemed flustered, discomfited.

    出自:W. Styron
Still, the choice of Dubai, a commercial hub with friendly ties to the West, as a venue for the assassination has discomfited some Israelis in intelligence circles.(同时,选择迪拜这个与西方有着良好关系的商业中心作为暗杀地点也让以色列情报圈子里的一些人觉得很不妥。)
She was rather discomfited when the rain spoiled her new hat.(雨弄糟了她的新帽子使她十分狼狈。)
The solemn intensity of Jade's gaze discomfited him.(在杰德强烈而严肃的凝视下他狼狈不堪。)
Will wanted to do likewise, but felt too discomfited.(威尔也想照着做,但觉得太难堪了。)
Once she became aware of a personal problem, she felt 12)discomfited and was not willing to tolerate her discomfort long enough to analyze the problem.(一旦她意识到私人问题的存在,她会感到难受,以致于她不愿意花时间忍受这种令人不快的感觉去分析问题。)
Discomfited, I sink onto the bed and take a sip of tea.(我感到有点沮丧,坐回到床边,喝了口茶。)
There are increasing signs that Mr Obama is deeply discomfited by the war that he had declared in his election campaign to be a "war of necessity".(越来越多的迹象显示,奥巴马在竞选期间宣称的这场“必要之战”已使他深感为难。)
Mrs. Obama even surprised — and discomfited — her Secret Service agents, when, after her speech at the school, she started hugging every girl in sight.(奥巴马夫人甚至使她的特工大跌眼镜,在学校讲话完毕后,她拥抱了每一名在她视线里的女孩。)
Mr Dombey was quite discomfited by the question.(董贝先生被这个问题问得很为难。)
Mr. Thornton was a good deal more surprised and discomfited than she.(宋腾先生反而大大吓了一跳,比玛格丽特尴尬多了。)
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