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更新时间:2025-03-10 13:09:51
"Critical acclaim from people who don't know what they're talking about is meaningless," he claims dismissively.(“来自不懂自己在说什么的评论者们的赞扬是没意义的,”他轻蔑地说。)
Like Matisse, Bonnard has been dismissively labelled a decorative artist, a painter of happiness.(他们两人都被鄙称为徒重幸福的光晕,不顾实质内容的艺术家。)
As she noted dismissively, a man of that background would never have been able to rise so high in Europe.(即使是如此轻蔑的形容,对这种背景的男士来说已经算得上是欧洲最高评价了。)
While Stone may respect Bush's ability to overcome alcoholism, he dismissively notes that "the drinking stops, but the recklessness stays."(尽管Stone可能对布什有能力戒酒而表示尊敬,但他却轻蔑地加注说:“酗酒的毛病没了,但鲁莽的毛病没改。”)
"There's nothing of use to us in this one's thoughts," the head scientist said dismissively.(“这人的思想对我们而言全无用处。”科学家首领不屑一顾地说。)
Mr. he surprised, he said dismissively: "I love money, but not because of 1000000 yuan is the man, big man when as good as gold."(何先生感到很意外,他则淡淡地说:“我也非常爱钱,但是不能因为100万元就失信于人,大丈夫当一诺千金。”)
Other delegates spoke dismissively of companies that, a while back, had talked Inuit into bad deals.(其他代表还提到了一些诱导因纽特人做亏本买卖的公司,话语行间流露出对这些公司的轻蔑之意。)
Over the phone, Guo spoke dismissively of these potential rivals.(通过电话采访,郭敬明对这些潜在的对手言辞露出不屑。)
I seem to remember that I tried to snort dismissively, but I was too cold to manage much more than a subdued grunt.(我记得我曾经想去狠狠地鼻嗤它,但是我当时太冷了,最后只能发出一声软弱无力的呼噜声。)
If you had told me in college I was going to turn into a brown-rice mother I would have guffawed and waved my hand dismissively.(要是你在我上大学的时候告诉我,有一天我会变成个糙米妈妈,我绝对会狂笑不止,不以为然地摆摆手。)
dismissively是什么意思 dismissively在线翻译 dismissively什么意思 dismissively的意思 dismissively的翻译 dismissively的解释 dismissively的发音 dismissively的同义词