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英 [dɪsˈpæʃənət]

美 [dɪsˈpæʃənɪt]


副词: dispassionately 名词: dispassionateness

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1. unaffected by strong emotion or prejudice

e.g. a journalist should be a dispassionate reporter of fact

Synonym: cold-eyed

1. 不动感情的;不带偏见的
Someone who is dispassionate is calm and reasonable, and not affected by emotions.

e.g. We, as prosecutors, try to be dispassionate about the cases we bring...
e.g. He spoke in the flat, dispassionate tone of a lecturer.

He sets out the facts coolly and dispassionately.

1. 不带感情的, 无偏见的:- speculative 推测性的 | - dispassionate 不带感情的, 无偏见的 | - denial 否定

2. 平心静气的平心静气的:disparity 差异 | dispassionate 平心静气的平心静气的 | dispatch 调度

3. 冷静的:dispassion 冷静 | dispassionate 冷静的 | dispassionately 不动感情地

4. 平心静气的:deterioration 变坏,恶化;退化 | dispassionate 平心静气的 | dissemination 散布,传播

  • 经典引文

  • A dispassionate fairness towards older faiths.

    出自:J. R. Green
  • Matchett's voice was flat and dispassionate.

    出自:E. Bowen
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

"Has anyone tried approaching the company with a dispassionate attitude?" asked Tom.(“没人试着以客观冷静的态度与公司交涉吗?”汤姆问。)
Journalism needs to be dispassionate.(新闻业需要公正而不带感情。)
The panel's "dispassionate" efforts to make the right decision about rosiglitazone highlight three tenets that could be used for future drug approval, Rosen argues.(Rosen说,委员会为了对罗格列酮作出正确裁决的“心平气和”的努力,强调了三个可用于今后药品审批的原则。)
It's one thing to condemn risky behavior through the dispassionate lens of imagination, and another altogether when your adrenaline's pumping amidst the heat of battle.(透过想象力的冷静镜头去谴责这些高危险行为是一回事,在战斗的狂热中肾上腺素激增又是另外一回事了。)
Mr Ryback has done a good job maintaining a balance between dispassionate inquiry and moral revulsion.(Ryback的分析在冷静的质问与道德批判之间很好地保持了平衡。)
First, they are both written in a curiously dispassionate style with an extremely limited amount of editorializing, personal opinion and prescriptions for solutions.(第一特点就是他们的写作手法,一种少见冷静的方式,其中评论性的,个人观点陈述性的,以及解决措施性的篇幅十分有限。)
Perhaps over time bin Zeid had gotten too close to his recruit and lost his ability to make dispassionate judgments, he offered.(他提议,宾·查德可能因为和他的下线长期走的过近从而失去了他做出冷静判断的能力。)
The nt vocabulary reflects the OT interpersonal concepts rather than the Greek ideal of static and dispassionate knowledge.(新台币词汇反映了加时赛人际关系的概念,而不是希腊理想的静态和冷静的知识。)
The dispassionate euphemism “underperformer” is one that I have never heard anyone use to describe themselves.(我从来不曾听过有人会用不带情感色彩的委婉语“表现欠佳者”来形容自己。)
Isabel, as a dispassionate witness, had not been struck with the force of Mrs. Touchett's characterisation of heR visitor.(伊莎贝尔象一个冷若冰霜的证人,丝毫不理睬杜歇夫人对客人的评论。)
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