英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [dɪsˈgɔ:dʒ]

美 [dɪsˈgɔ:rdʒ]


名词: disgorgement 过去式: disgorged 过去分词: disgorged 现在分词: disgorging 第三人称单数: disgorges

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1. eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth

e.g. After drinking too much, the students vomited
He purged continuously
The patient regurgitated the food we gave him last night

Synonym: vomitvomit uppurgecastsickcatbe sickregorgeretchpukebarfspewspuechuckupchuckhonkregurgitatethrow up

2. cause or allow (a solid substance) to flow or run out or over

e.g. spill the beans all over the table

Synonym: spillshed

1. 排出;倾倒;喷吐
If something disgorges its contents, it empties them out.

e.g. The ground had opened to disgorge a boiling stream of molten lava.

2. (车、船、飞机等)下(客);(从建筑物中)涌出(人流)
If you say that a vehicle or building disgorges people, especially a lot of people, you mean that the people leave the vehicle or building.

e.g. The bus drew up in the village square and disgorged its passengers.

3. (动物)吐出
If an animal disgorges something it has swallowed, it produces it again from its mouth.

e.g. They pursue other birds, forcing them to disgorge the fish they have caught.

1. 被迫交出:如果一小部分股本的许多所有者中的每个人都坚持按比例收回他那部分企业资产,如他在一个无限制的共有基金的交易中所能做的那样,那么企业将被迫交出(disgorge)资产.

2. 吐出,流出,喷出:disfranchise 夺......之公权 | disgorge 吐出,流出,喷出 | disgrace 耻辱

  • 经典引文

  • He..was entitled to his share in the profits..and he was determined to make Haraldsen disgorge.

    出自:J. Buchan
  • A bus..disgorged its complement of old-age pensioners.

    出自:S. Middleton
They pursue other birds, forcing them to disgorge the fish they have caught.(它们追赶别的鸟儿,强迫它们吐出抓到的鱼。)
But he would disgorge the bait now.(现在他要把嘴里的钩吐出来。)
They persuaded him to disgorge the missing documents.(他们劝他吐出不见的文件。)
You owe me 5: come on, disgorge!(你欠我5英镑,快,吐出来!)
The necks of the bottles are then frozen and the corks removed to disgorge the accumulated sediments.(然后将瓶的颈部冻结并拔去瓶口的软木塞除去聚集的沉淀物。)
The soldiers had to disgorge the jewels which they had plundered .(士兵被迫交出抢劫的珠宝。)
"I sometimes think that remuneration committees and senior investment banking executives need to be reminded of this reality before they disgorge huge bonuses," he said.(“我有时候认为需要提醒薪酬委员会和投资银行资深高管认清这个事实,他们才能吐出那些巨额奖金,”他说。)
Suggestion: Don't try to disgorge , but call for medical treatment immediately.(建议:不要尝试呕吐,并请立即就医处理。)
A hacker has discovered a way to force ATMs to disgorge their cash by hijacking the computers inside them.(一位计算机黑客通过入侵ATM柜员机里的电脑的方式,不用银行卡就能让ATM机疯狂吐钞。)
If coastal ice shelves buttressing the west Antarctic ice sheet continue to disintegrate, the sheet could disgorge into the ocean, raising sea levels by several metres in a century.(假如支撑西南极洲冰盖的沿岸冰架持续解体,那么冰盖就会泄入海洋,百年之内海平面便将上升数米。)
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