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英 [ˌdɒktrɪˈneə(r)]

美 [ˌdɑ:ktrəˈner]



名词: doctrinairism

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1. a stubborn person of arbitrary or arrogant opinions

Synonym: dogmatist


1. stubbornly insistent on theory without regard for practicality or suitability

1. 空谈理论的;脱离实际的;教条主义的
If you say that someone is doctrinaire or has a doctrinaire attitude, you disapprove of them because they have fixed principles which they try to force on other people.

e.g. He is firm but not doctrinaire.

1. doctrinaire的近义词

1. 空谈理论者:docility 可塑性 | doctrinaire 空谈理论者 | doctrinairism 教条主义

2. 空论家:doctorial 博士的 | doctrinaire 空论家 | doctrinairism 空理

3. 空论家. adj.教条的:160. diver: 潜水员. | 161. doctrinaire: 空论家. adj.教条的. | 162. dolt: 傻瓜.

4. 教条主义者:doctrine:教义,教旨; | doctrinaire:教条主义者; | doctrinairism:教条主义;

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Even the most doctrinaire primary voters ought to be able to see the sense in that argument.(即使是最信奉教条主义的基础选民都应该从辩论中感受到这一点。)
Brown is perhaps the most doctrinaire of the court's conservative judges.(在这个法庭的保守派法官中,布朗可能是最教条的。)
He is firm but not doctrinaire.(他意志坚定但不教条。)
Also, forbidding, doctrinaire, witty, obsessed and almost inhumanly brave as her illness ground her along on her long passage to death.(她病魔缠身直至步入坟墓,一生令人生畏、古板教条、机智诙谐、痴迷困扰和超乎寻常的勇敢。)
That means they are not doctrinaire.(那意味着,他们并不教条。)
Are there not things that rarely change about which an educational technologist could be doctrinaire?(有没有很少发生改变并且教育技术专家可以不去实践的理论呢?)
It is crazy to be so doctrinaire when spending a couple of minutes a day checking what is happening at work is so easy and so efficient.(每天花几分钟查看工作上发生了什么是这么的简单有效,如此教条化的处理方式实在不可理喻。)
I suppose that one could be doctrinaire about the role of the individual in learning.(我想一个人可以在学习中猜想其特殊性。)
It leads many to wonder if the "no overlapping iterations" policy is just a doctrinaire position on a practical concept, or whether there's actually some reasoning behind the policy.(它致使许多人怀疑,“非重叠迭代”策略是否仅是对于实践概念的一种教条,或者在该策略背后是否真的存在某种原因。)
We do not confront the world in a doctrinaire way with a new principle: Here is the truth, kneel down before it!(我们不是以空论家的姿态,仗着一条新原理对世界喝道:真理在这里,向它跪拜吧!)
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