英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:17:46


英 ['dɔ:mənsɪ]

美 ['dɔ:mənsɪ]


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1. quiet and inactive restfulness

Synonym: quiescencequiescencysleeping

2. a state of quiet (but possibly temporary) inaction

e.g. the volcano erupted after centuries of dormancy

Synonym: quiescencequiescency

1. 冬眠:它代表每次投法进入冬眠( dormancy)状态后,再回来时会变得更弱,更细小,颜色更淡,最终导致患者察觉到头发更少而露出更多头皮. 虽然有理论谈到为何头发会在短时间全部失去,但那只是理论.

2. 休眠 休眠:1.休眠 休眠(dormancy)是指昆虫在个体发育过程中,因受不良环境条件的影响,常出现形态变化上和生理机能上的相对静止状态,这种现象叫休眠. 当不良环境条件消除时,便可恢复生长发育. 例如温带或寒温带地区秋冬季节的气温下降、食物枯熟,

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  • 临近词

It is to explore the mechanism of winter buds' dormancy in Platanus acerifolia.(这是为了探讨悬铃木冬芽休眠的机理。)
The spring awakens the field from dormancy which presents a face with sands and clay bestrewed .(田野渐渐从冬眠中苏醒过来,呈现出一副布满砂石和泥土的面容。)
It blooms at the end of the rainy season, when many other trees are lapsing into dormancy and no longer making fruit.(它在雨季行将结束之时开花,此时很多其他的树种已陷入蛰伏状态,不再挂果。)
It really is time to give in and prepare for dormancy.(这的确是放弃的时候,去准备休眠。)
It affects tuberization, leaf senescence, and dormancy.(它影响块茎形成、叶子衰老和休眠。)
So far, the Internet that is in dormancy condition is dinkum consumer, still get countless more.(到目前为止,处于休眠状态的互联网纯粹消费者,还多得不计其数。)
Dormancy is important for the growth and development of deciduous fruit trees.(休眠是落叶果树生长发育的一个重要阶段。)
The dormancy of the potato tuber and the buds on potato tuber may be controlled by different mechanisms.(马铃薯块茎休眠和块茎上芽的休眠可能是两种不同的生理机制所控制。)
There are lots of concepts of seed dormancy, and these concepts induce many theories and hypotheses and models.(关于种子休眠的概念有多种,这些概念引出了许多学说、假说和模型。)
But many workers in the field think T-cell dormancy a more significant cause of relapse than HIV in such reservoir tissues.(但该领域的许多研究人员认为与驻留在T细胞这样储存组织中的艾滋病毒相比,艾滋病复发的一个更重要原因是T细胞常处于休眠状态。)
dormancy是什么意思 dormancy在线翻译 dormancy什么意思 dormancy的意思 dormancy的翻译 dormancy的解释 dormancy的发音 dormancy的同义词