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英 [ˌdaʊnˈpleɪ]

美 [ˈdaʊnˌple]


过去式: downplayed 过去分词: downplayed 现在分词: downplaying 第三人称单数: downplays

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1. understate the importance or quality of

e.g. he played down his royal ancestry

Synonym: backgroundplay down

2. represent as less significant or important

Synonym: understateminimizeminimise

1. 对…轻描淡写;使轻视;贬低
If you downplay a fact or feature, you try to make people think that it is less important or serious than it really is.

e.g. The government is trying to downplay the violence.
e.g. ...to downplay the dangers of nuclear accidents.

1. 低估,贬低:status quo 现状 | downplay 低估,贬低 | radical 词根,激进分子; 根本的;激进的


2. 低调处理:钓鱼岛Diaoyu Islands | 低调处理downplay | 跌幅range of a price drop

3. 对...轻描淡写;贬低:debut 初次登场, 开张 | downplay 对...轻描淡写;贬低: | underplay 轻描淡写,一笔带过表演角色不充分

4. 不予重视:founding father 开国者;创立人 | downplay 不予重视 | underscore 划线于...下, 强调;(名词)下划线

So we downplay the warnings from our factual mind and enjoy the warm sensation on our skin.(于是我们无视来自理智的警告,继续享受我们皮肤上的温暖感觉。)
While excessive optimism can promote bad investment patterns, resulting in a real-estate "bubble," the report's writers downplay that potential outcome in that it has not yet occurred.(虽然过度乐观可能会助长不良投资模式,导致房地产“泡沫”的出现,但这篇报告的作者对这种潜在后果只是一笔带过,认为它尚未发生。)
They would downplay their sense of vulnerability by, for example, comparing their own weight and diet favourably with that of their friends.(举个例子,他们通过和朋友比较体重和饮食习惯来忽视自己弱点。)
It should also be straight and not too curvyto downplay the roundness of the face.(眉毛线条也可以是直的,不用过于弯曲使脸显得不那么圆。)
In order to explain complex science to a lay audience, scientists and journalists are prone to progressively downplay the complexity.(为了向不懂行的听众解释复杂的科学问题,科学家和新闻记者越来越倾向于减少复杂程度。)
Which does he downplay or ignore altogether?(又轻描淡写或完全忽略了哪些?)
Does he or she downplay my feelings or interests?(他(她)是否经常看不起我的兴趣和想法?)
But don't downplay it. Undiagnosed asthma can make life more difficult and could even be deadly.(但是,不要低估它,哮喘能够让人们的生活更加困难,甚至致命。)
The games industry's natural defense against controversy is to downplay it, because in most cases the controversy is undeserved.(游戏业对于争议的自然辩解方式就是淡化它,因为争议并不很充足。)
We often hear that the key to us staying united is to downplay theological difference and to play up sharing the Gospel.(我们常常听人说保持合一的关键就是淡化神学分歧。)
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