英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:31:55



英 [ˈefɪdʒi]

美 [ˈɛfədʒi]


名词复数: effigies

  • 英英释义

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1. a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture)

e.g. the coin bears an effigy of Lincoln
the emperor's tomb had his image carved in stone

Synonym: imagesimulacrum

1. (丑化憎恶之人的)仿真像,模拟像
An effigy is a quickly and roughly made figure, often ugly or amusing, that represents someone you hate or feel contempt for.

2. (名人)雕像,塑像
An effigy is a statue or carving of a famous person.

1. 俺满脑仍是她的:却是真切发生的Reality . | 俺满脑仍是她的Effigy , | 俺想是真爱上这Genie ,

2. effigy是什么意思

2. 肖像:effigurate 有一定形状的 | effigy 肖像 | effloresce 开花

3. (被憎恨或被蔑视的人的)模拟像,肖像:disobey不服从,不顺从 | effigy(被憎恨或被蔑视的人的)模拟像,肖像 | file排列成纵队行进


4. 肖像;雕像:efficacy#功效 | effigy#肖像;雕像 | effrontery#厚颜无耻

  • 经典引文

  • The validity of the seal.., which bore the name and effigy of King Charles.

    出自:C. V. Wedgwood
  • Some Russians suspect this is not Lenin's body at all, but an effigy.

    出自:C. Thubron
The man who had broken off the head of the Black Dragon's effigy (the god is worshipped in a human-looking form, as shown in the picture above) had his head blown off when a factory boiler exploded.(破坏黑龙王龙头(在上图中崇拜的神像被塑造成类似人的样子)的人在一次工厂锅炉爆炸被炸掉了脑袋。)
To get rid of these bad things, every family lights an effigy on fire at midnight.(为了彻底告别这些不好的东西,每个家庭都会在午夜时分点火烧掉稻草人。)
A wooden effigy of a Native American holding a cluster of cigars, formerly used as the emblem of a tobacconist.(土著美洲人的木制肖像,拿着一簇雪茄,以前作为烟草商的标志。)
It is connected with the culture known today as the Effigy Moundbuilders.(这和今天所谓的“雕像筑墩人”文化有关。)
The demonstrators burned a crude effigy of the president.(示威者焚毁了总统的丑化像。)
In Paraguay, people create an effigy and dress him up like a scarecrow when the new year comes.(每逢新年来临,巴拉圭人都会专门制作雕像,然后把他打扮成稻草人的样子。)
Most impressive are the effigy mounds, huge earthworks sculpted into the shapes of birds, animals, and other forms, not found anywhere else in the world in such concentrations.(最令人印象深刻的是肖像冢,成鸟,动物的形状雕刻巨大的土方工程,和其他形式,没有发现在这种浓度世界其他地方。)
They threw rotten eggs and stones at the embassy compound, and the effigy was set on fire before being thrown over the high walls.(他们向英国使馆扔烂鸡蛋和石头,把点燃的米利班德塑像扔进了使馆的高墙。)
There is an effigy of Einstein around the corner.(在拐角处有爱因斯坦的模拟像。)
They are part of the Effigy Mounds National Monument.(这里是雕像墩国家纪念地的一部分。)
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