英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ɪkˈspresli]

美 [ɪkˈsprɛslɪ]


  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释

  • 明确地
  • 特意地
  • 特别地
  • 明显地
  • 清楚地
  • 确切地
  • 明白地
  • 专门地
  • 尤其
  • 特地
  • 专程地
  • 格外 


1. with specific intentions
for the express purpose

e.g. she needs the money expressly for her patients

1. expressly的翻译

1. 明白地:expressivity 善于表达 | expressly 明白地 | expressman 递送工人

2. 明文:以明示方式-----expressly | 明文-----expressly | 明示授权-----expressly . . . authorized

3. 以明示方式:采用......恐吓或侮辱言辞-----uses a threatening or insulting expression | 以明示方式-----expressly | 明文-----expressly

  • 经典引文

  • Peasants were expressly forbidden to leave the estates.

    出自:P. Ustinov
The rule was introduced expressly for this purpose.(这项规则是为此特意推行的。)
That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.(所以,我们的社会禁止单亲家长抚养小孩。)
This ship was designed expressly for exploring the Arctic waters.(这艘船是为考察北极水域而特意设计的。)
There is stained glass from a number of French church windows, removed expressly for this show.(许多彩色玻璃来自于若干法国教堂的窗户,专门为此次展出而拆卸下来。)
He has expressly forbidden her to go out on her own.(他已明确禁止她独自外出。)
The act expressly provides for injunctive relief.(该法令明文规定了强制令救济。)
He seems to think that the story was invented expressly to torture him.(他似乎认为编造这个故事是专门要折磨他的。)
You were expressly told not to touch my papers.(已经明确地告诉过你不要动我的文件。)
The arbitral tribunal shall decide as amiable compositeur or ex aequo et bono only if the parties have expressly authorised the arbitral tribunal to do so.(只有得到当事人明示的授权,仲裁庭才可以根据公平的原则作出裁决。)
He expressly pointed out the mistake.(他明确地指出了那个错误。)
expressly是什么意思 expressly在线翻译 expressly什么意思 expressly的意思 expressly的翻译 expressly的解释 expressly的发音 expressly的同义词