英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ɪgˈzʌlt]

美 [ɪɡˈzʌlt]


副词: exultingly 名词: exultance 过去式: exulted 过去分词: exulted 现在分词: exulting 第三人称单数: exults

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  • 狂喜,欢喜
  • 欢欣鼓舞,欢跃,欢腾,雀跃
  • 非常高兴,兴高采烈
  • 斗志昂扬
  • 陶醉
  • 自鸣得意
  • 喜欢炫耀
  • 喜形于色
  • 狂欢,欢欣



1. to express great joy

e.g. Who cannot exult in Spring?

Synonym: exuberaterejoicetriumphjubilate

2. feel extreme happiness or elation

Synonym: walk on airbe on cloud ninejump for joy

1. 欢欣鼓舞;兴高采烈
If you exult in a triumph or success that you have had, you feel and show great happiness and pleasure because of it.

e.g. He was exulting in a win at the show earlier that day...
e.g. Some individual investors exulted at the record...

I felt a tremendous sense of relief and exultation.

1. 大喜,耀武扬威:exude 渗出,流出,流露 | exult 大喜,耀武扬威 | embargo 禁止入港,禁止,阻碍

2. 非常高兴, 欢跃:expiration 终止;截止, 死亡 | exult 非常高兴, 欢跃 | exalt 赞扬:赞美

3. 非常高兴:exult over 狂喜 | exult 非常高兴 | exultancy 大喜

4. 狂喜:extroverted type 外向型 | exult 狂喜 | eye 眼

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We rejoice and exult with all the heart for your wonderful works.(祢藉祢奇妙的作为叫我们欢呼。)
Jn. 5:35 he was the lamp that was burning and shining, and you were willing to exult for a while in his light.(约五35约翰是点著且发亮的灯,你们情愿暂时在他的光中欢腾。)
But the righteous will rejoice; they will exult before God And be glad with rejoicing.(惟有义人必然喜乐;他们必在神面前欢欣,并欢喜快乐。)
Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad because of her, all you who love her; Exult, exult with her, all you who were mourning over her!(凡爱慕耶路撒冷的,你们都应同她一起快乐,因她而欢喜!凡为她而忧伤的,你们都要同她尽情欢乐!)
Stand proudly and exult in your womanhood. Remember: Women hold up half the sky.(不卑不亢地生活着,并以身为女性骄傲。撑起半边天的人就是你了!)
I must not exult too soon.(我不能高兴的太早。)
We will exult and rejoice in you; we will extol your love more than wine; rightly do they love you.(胜过赞那香醇美酒;理所当然他们要爱你。)
Exult, O Shores! and ring, O bell!(欢呼,哦,海岸!轰鸣,哦,洪钟!)
The king has brought me into his chambers. we will exult and rejoice in you;(王带我进了内室,我们必因你欢喜快乐;)
Stand proudly and exult in your womanhood. Remember: woman hold up half the sky.(不卑不亢的生活着,并以身为女性而骄傲。撑起半边天的就是你了。)
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