英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 13:26:02



英 [ɪmˈbɒdimənt]

美 [ɪmˈbɑ:dimənt]



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  • 化身
  • 具体化
  • 体现
  • 统一体
  • 典型
  • 具体表现



1. giving concrete form to an abstract concept

2. a concrete representation of an otherwise nebulous concept

e.g. a circle was the embodiment of his concept of life

Synonym: shape

3. a new personification of a familiar idea

e.g. the embodiment of hope
the incarnation of evil
the very avatar of cunning

Synonym: incarnationavatar

1. (品质、思想等的)典型,化身
If you say that someone or something is the embodiment of a quality or idea, you mean that that is their most noticeable characteristic or the basis of all they do.

e.g. A baby is the embodiment of vulnerability.

1. 具体化:从具体化(embodiment)的意义上说,我更接近于梅洛-庞蒂,或是后期胡塞尔. 因此如果以胡塞尔的早期现象学作为标准,我总是被当作一个异端. 当然从另一方面看,我只是对现象学做了一些改动,说明了(知觉)综合是如何可能的,经验又是如何可感的.

2. 實施例:最后之考量;实施例(Embodiment)及摘要(Abstract),原则上非属解释之基础;国际通行解释申请专利范围之各种原则如下:当申请专利范围的每一元件(Element)或其均等元件一定要出现在被控对象物上者谓之「全要件原则」(All-Element rule),

3. 肉身体现:作为意识形态的肉身体现(embodiment),革命领袖以其非凡的政治才能和道德魅力整合革命政党,再通过革命政党和共产主义意识形态完成国家和民族的社会整合.

  • 经典引文

  • I thought the professors were the embodiment of wisdom.

    出自:H. Keller
  • The city has always been an embodiment of hope.

    出自:J. Raban
It was as if the garden had become a sort of embodiment of the domestic dreams forever intrinsic to human consciousness.(整座花园仿佛就是人类意识里的梦中庭院变成了现实。)
This spirit of dedication requires faith. Selfless hard work is an embodiment of responsibility and strength.(奉献精神要求人们拥有信念,忘我的工作是责任和力量的化身。)
There is some residual identity left over that can still have a sense of embodiment.(剩下的一些代词还可以,代表某些事物。)
He ultimately convinced them to join him by suggesting that the elephant was in fact an embodiment of Lord Ganesha.(谢卡瓦特向他们暗示大象实际上是格涅沙神的化身,从而最终说服他们加入。)
He is the embodiment of the young successful businessman.(他是成功青年企业家的典型。)
A baby is the embodiment of vulnerability.(婴儿是脆弱的化身。)
Greeting CARDS are the embodiment of impersonal feelings.(贺卡是客观而非个人感受的体现。)
Pros: the embodiment of the ultimate childhood fantasy.(赞成:儿童神话的终极化身。)
This is very different from Nabokov's idea of embodiment as a kind of alternate or rival creativity.(这和Nabokov的想法迥然不同,他讲具体化视为一种替代物或者是竞争的创造性。)
Einstein's. God was no clockmaker, but the embodiment of reason in nature.(爱因斯坦的上帝不是钟表匠而是自然定律的化身。)
embodiment是什么意思 embodiment在线翻译 embodiment什么意思 embodiment的意思 embodiment的翻译 embodiment的解释 embodiment的发音 embodiment的同义词