英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈempəθi]

美 [ˈɛmpəθi]


  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 同感
  • 【心】神入
  • 移情
  • 共鸣
  • 同情
  • 移情作用
  • 神入
  • 【心】移情作用
  • 执着投入
  • 移情作用的


1. understanding and entering into another's feelings

1. 同感;同情;共鸣
Empathy is the ability to share another person's feelings and emotions as if they were your own.

e.g. Having begun my life in a children's home I have great empathy with the little ones.

  • 经典引文

  • Pity is feeling sorry for someone; empathy is feeling sorry with someone.

    出自:M. L. King
Neuroscience has revealed which brain circuits are responsible for functions like understanding what other people think, empathy, fairness, and social identity.(神经系统科学显示了哪些大脑回路负责执行这些功能,包括洞悉别人的想法、与他人产生共鸣、做到公平公正以及辨别社会身份等。)
The feeling of empathy makes you want to help them.(这种移情作用让你想去帮助他们。)
The son of a fireman, he oozes empathy for the have-nots.(作为一名消防员的儿子,他与穷人心灵相通。)
Mar and his colleagues recently found that fans of romance novels tended to do best on tests of empathy.(马和他的同事们最近发现,爱情小说的粉丝在同理心测试中表现最好。)
Women also practise psychiatry. It's called empathy.(女性也在练习精神病学,这就是我们常说的移情别恋。)
Have empathy for your boss and the pressures he may be under.(对你的上司可能受到的压力感同身受。)
Obama was using this speech to show empathy and respect.(奥巴马利用这次演说来表示同情,表示尊重。)
Or was he just a master of empathy?(或者,它干脆就是一个感念大师?)
He advised him not to get too excited by her effusions of empathy and respect.(他建议他不要因为她同情心和敬重感的迸发而过于激动。)
It's also possible that plays, movies or even TV shows could build your empathy muscles, according to Kidd.(基德认为,戏剧、电影甚至电视节目也有可能锻炼你的同理心肌肉。)
empathy是什么意思 empathy在线翻译 empathy什么意思 empathy的意思 empathy的翻译 empathy的解释 empathy的发音 empathy的同义词