英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:39:07


英 [ɪn'saɪfə]

美 [ɪn'saɪfə]


名词: encipherer 过去式: enciphered 过去分词: enciphered 现在分词: enciphering 第三人称单数: enciphers

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. convert ordinary language into code

e.g. We should encode the message for security reasons

Synonym: codeciphercypherencryptinscribewrite in code


1. 加密:通常情况下,人们将可懂的文本称为明文(plaintext),将明文变换成的不可懂形式的文本称为密文(ciphertext),把明文变换成密文的过程叫加密(encipher),其逆过程即把密文变换成明文的过程叫解密(decipher).


2. 加密器:encapsulation 封装 | encipher 加密器 | enclave 程序集

3. encipher的翻译

3. 编密:encapsulation 封 包 | Encipher 编密 | encipher, encipter 加密,译成密码

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The basic technology of PKI include encipher digital signature data integrity mechanism digital envelope double digital signature, digital certificate etc.(PKI的基础技术包括加密、数字签名、数据完整性机制、数字信封、双重数字签名,数字证书等。)
The solutions include applying encipher technology, setting the standard of related protocol and trying to reduce the unsafe factors in electronic commerce transaction.(解决其安全的方法有:采用加密技术,制定相关协议标准,努力减少电子商务交易中的不安全因素。)
The essay analyses the structure of financial account system on the net, put forward the course of encipher and declassify in the data transmission course.(文中分析了网上资金结算系统的结构,提出了数据传输过程中加密和解密的流程。)
WEP uses CRC 32 checking code inside the RC4 encipher system to provide message integrity check.(WEP通过在RC4密码系统内部设置CRC32循环冗余校验的方式来实现报文完整性验证。)
On one hand this method can encipher information, on the other hand compared with traditional chaotic parameters modulation, this method can transfer information when synchronism precision is low.(另一方面在于与以往的单纯混沌参数调制不同,此方法可以在同步精度较低时,实现信息的传输。)
Ca authentication center provides highly intensive encipher algorithm, highly liable security mechanism and management strategy, automatic generating key and certificate management.(CA认证系统拥有高强度的加密算法,高可靠性的安全机制及完善的管理及配置策略,提供自动的密钥和证书管理服务。)
This paper expounds the encipher mechanism in phone bank service platform and bank system, and the message encipher between bank system and the third part host computer isn't touched.(探讨了电话银行业务平台和银行系统内部的加密机制,不涉及银行系统和第三方主机系统间的消息加密。)
This paper analyzes and studies encipher in phone bank system.(对电话银行系统的加密进行分析和研究。)
A participant or privileged participant shall encipher any payment instruction it makes, and a payment instruction shall have effect once it is given.(参与者和特许参与者应按规定对其发起的支付指令进行加密,支付指令一经发出即具有支付效力。)
The operator would then proceed to encipher N in the same fashion, and so on.(操作员然后会在N键同样的方式继续进行加密,等等。)
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