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更新时间:2025-03-10 13:47:44



英 [ɪsˈtʃu:]

美 [ɛsˈtʃu]


名词: eschewal 过去式: eschewed 过去分词: eschewed 现在分词: eschewing 第三人称单数: eschews

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  • 【修辞学】避开
  • 避免
  • 摆脱
  • 远避
  • 回避
  • 习惯性避开
  • 戒绝


1. avoid and stay away from deliberately
stay clear of

Synonym: shun

1. 躲开;躲避
If you eschew something, you deliberately avoid doing it or becoming involved in it.

e.g. Although he appeared to enjoy a jet-setting life, he eschewed publicity and avoided nightclubs.

1. 避免:用户如果想完全避免(eschew)使用标准查询操作符,可以简单地将System.Query置于活动范围之外,并且为IEnumerable接口写出他们自己的扩展方法就可以了.

2. 回避:对于这个问题,我发现我的脑海一片空白.打开自己的BLOG,发现从四月份开始,平均一个月写了一篇BLOG.自己曾经说那是想回避(ESCHEW)一些事情.因为有些事情,有些人只能埋在心底,而不知如何向人开启.可是这半年来我都做了些什么?


3. 避开、远离:1. eschew:避开、远离 | 2. in a bid to:为了... | 3. geomancy:泥土占卜,抓沙散地,按其所成象以断吉凶

4. 避开:escheatorship 充公产业官员 | eschew 避开 | eschewal 避免

  • 经典引文

  • To exchewe..the displeasure of my lorde.

    出自:Ld Berners
  • A woman a man may eschue, but not a wife.

    出自:Robert Burton
I don't want it to sound like I eschew oil but give natural gas and coal a pass.(我不想让它听起来像是我在回避石油却为天然气和煤块提供了通行证。)
The Harvard version of student life saw him eschew alcohol for twice-daily gym workouts and a Boston Half Marathon time of 1 hour 40 minutes.(他体验了哈佛的学生生活,不喝酒,每天进行两次健身锻炼,参加了一次时长1小时40分的波士顿半程马拉松赛。)
Eschew the news.(避开新闻。)
What separates the professional from the tyro is knowing when to apply the power of scripting and when to eschew it.(专家和新手的区别在于:知道什么时候运用该脚本,什么时候避免使用它。)
A civilised leader must eschew violence.(文明领导人必须避免使用暴力。)
Given the variety of delicious side dishes served this time of year, some diners, including myself, eschew the Turkey altogether.(想到一年中这个时侯桌上的美味小菜多种多样,一些食客,包括我自己在内,都不会选择吃火鸡。)
To mitigate that risk, these countries eschew short-term debt and keep debt ratios low; some build up huge war chests of foreign currency.(为了缓和这一风险,这些国家避开短期债务并保持低负债率,其中有些国家筹备巨额的外币款项。)
You can eschew all contact with people because of the possibility of hurt.(你可以逃避所有跟人的接触因为他们可能是居心叵测的坏人。)
I believe we should eschew busy-ness for things with more value. Eschew the urgent for the important.(我相信,我们应该为了更有意义的事情而放弃所谓的忙碌,为了更重要的事情放弃那些所谓急迫的事情。)
To eschew such tools is to fight terrorism with one hand tied behind your back.(而一旦放弃这些手段各国在反恐时就会显得束手束脚。)
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