英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 11:05:34



英 [ɪˈspaʊz]

美 [ɪˈspaʊz]


名词: espouser 过去式: espoused 过去分词: espoused 现在分词: espousing 第三人称单数: espouses

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  • 拥护
  • 赞同,赞成
  • 协助
  • 结婚,嫁娶
  • 信奉,信仰
  • 支持
  • 娶(妻)
  • 嫁(女)
  • 与…成配偶,和…结婚
  • 采纳
  • 提倡,赞助


1. take up the cause, ideology, practice, method, of someone and use it as one's own

e.g. She embraced Catholicism
They adopted the Jewish faith

Synonym: embraceadoptsweep up

2. choose and follow
as of theories, ideas, policies, strategies or plans

e.g. She followed the feminist movement
The candidate espouses Republican ideals

Synonym: adoptfollow

3. take in marriage

Synonym: marryget marriedwedconjoinhook up withget hitched with

1. 支持;拥护
If you espouse a particular policy, cause, or belief, you become very interested in it and give your support to it.


e.g. She ran away with him to Mexico and espoused the revolutionary cause.

1. espouse

1. 嫁娶:espousal 订婚 | espouse 嫁娶 | espressivo 充满感情地

2. espouse的意思

2. 结婚:elevator电梯 | espouse结婚, | spouse配偶

3. 支持,拥护:configuration 轮廓,外形 | espouse 支持,拥护 | hype 广告策略

4. espouse的翻译

4. 支持:empathy共鸣 | espouse支持 | fateful宿命的

  • 经典引文

  • Before Edward had espoused the lady Grey, he had been contracted to the lady Eleanor Butler.

    出自:Horace Walpole
  • 近义词

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I've sometimes heard people espouse a philosophy of ignorance when their bosses are asking for something to be done.(我常听说有人信奉一种无知的哲学,特别当他们的老板是要求他们去做某些事的时候。)
The firm does not espouse any single architectural expression, but strives to find that which is unique and important to a given project.(我公司并不赞同任何单一建筑表达,但始终努力寻找对于所给项目来说唯一而重要的建筑表达。)
A person who might espouse a self-fulfilling prophecy in a positive way "I'm going to have a great day," might act in ways that will actually make this prediction true.(而另一个人也许会用积极的方式验证自我实现预言,“我今天会过得很棒”,也许他今天的积极举动就会验证自己的预测。)
If consumers espouse frugality instead of ostentatious spending, Amex wants to be there.(如果消费者不求斥金如土,但望勤俭持家,运通也希望一路有它。)
They're all pretty good for a group of people, not least of all to the people who espouse them because they use them and find them effective.(它对于很多人来说是很好的,至少有人拥护它,因为他们利用它来达到提高效益的目的。)
Like everything else about these lobbyists, the true, unacceptable meaning of the freedom they espouse is hidden behind an acceptable front.(和其他有关这些游说团体的事情一样,他们所信奉的自由真实的不可接受的含义隐藏在可以接受的表面下面。)
Those who espouse such a tradition like to think of this as their peculiar genius.(这些谁拥护这样一个传统,要认为这是其独特的天才。)
We espouse gender equality in all other aspects of life and it is an anomaly that in the rules relating to the highest public office we continue to enshrine male superiority, "writes Cameron."(“我们主张男女平等,但是涉及到最高公职的法律却与此违背,仍继续保留男性优先权,”卡梅伦写到。)
We have seen polyandry change its form till it allowed of kinship through males, and then die away into an obligation on younger brothers in turn to espouse the widow of the eldest brother;(我们看到一妻多夫改变其形式直到允许通过男性的血族关系,随后消失在兄弟们依序娶长兄的寡妇的义务中;)
Another goal was to actually use the technologies we espouse.(另一个设计目标是真正使用我们所倡导的技术。)
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