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更新时间:2025-03-10 13:54:14



英 [ˈekskrɪmənt]

美 [ˈɛkskrəmənt]


形容词: excremental

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  • 排泄物
  • 粪便
  • 大便


1. waste matter (as urine or sweat but especially feces) discharged from the body

Synonym: body wasteexcretionexcretaexcretory product

1. 粪便;排泄物
Excrement is the solid waste that is passed out of a person or animal's body through their bowels.

e.g. The cage smelled of excrement.

1. excrement的解释

1. 臭狗屎:他可是一个密切关注政治时事的人,由于最近日本狂性大发死灰复燃,他一锤定音般地将其斥之为垃圾(junk)、色鬼(adult)、婊子(prostitute)、蠢驴(ass)、下流(nasty)的魔鬼(evil)、流氓(scamp)和臭狗屎(excrement).

2. excrement的近义词

2. 排泄物:还有一种判断方式是通过排泄物(excrement)的化石,因为有很多物质是能被消化的,抵抗 恐的消化系统.从中我们也知道一些恐的食谱范围很广,另一些却只吃特定种的食物.

3. 粪便:discharge 排泄 | excrement 粪便 | kidney 肾脏

4. 屎:厕 Toilet | 屎 Excrement | 井 宿 Well Mansion

The cage smelled of excrement.(这个笼子闻起来有粪便味。)
Poultries need a large amount of food and space, which is typically limited to expeditions, and they produce a lot of excrement.(家禽需要大量的食物和空间,这在远征中通常是有限的,而且它们还会产生大量的排泄物。)
He says there have been experiments to turn excrement into a kind of microwave that can be used as a source of energy.(瑞斯·伯尔曼说,现在已经有实验在尝试将粪便转变成一种微波,以作能源之用。)
Love has pitched his mansion in the place of excrement.(爱神把他的宫殿掷在粪地。)
They should be especially careful around uncooked meat, domestic animals, human excrement and lake or river water.(他们应特别小心生肉、家畜、人类粪便和湖水或河水。)
Types of fertilizer with nitrogen fertilizer, per mu can be with human excrement urine thin 1500 ~ 2000 kg, 5 ~ 10 kg urea.(肥料种类以氮肥为主,每次每亩可施有稀薄的人粪尿液1500~2000公斤,加入尿素5~10公斤。)
Is it excrement floating in the air today?(今天空气里是飘着屎吗?)
I is you a bubble urine one bubble excrement, raise up son ah, you still polite?(我是您一泡尿一泡屎,养起来的儿子呀,你还客气什么?)
With the other, it supports research projects, giving grants to scientists who come up with new ideas for using human excrement.(而另一个项目则是对科研项目提供资助,既向开发出新方法以回收利用人类粪便的科学家授予奖金。)
In fact, nose excrement is our good friend.(实际上,鼻屎,是我们的好朋友。)
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