英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:56:07



英 [ɪkˈspæns]

美 [ɪkˈspæns]



  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 广袤,辽阔,广阔,宽广,宽阔
  • 广阔的区域,宽阔的区域
  • 膨胀
  • 太空,穹苍
  • 扩张,展开,扩展,扩充
  • 大片,一大片
  • 领地
  • 浩瀚
  • 膨胀



1. a wide scope

e.g. the sweep of the plains

Synonym: sweep

2. the extent of a 2-dimensional surface enclosed within a boundary

e.g. the area of a rectangle
it was about 500 square feet in area

Synonym: areasurface area

3. a wide and open space or area as of surface or land or sky

1. 广袤;辽阔;浩瀚
An expanse of something, usually sea, sky, or land, is a very large amount of it.


e.g. ...a vast expanse of grassland.

1. 宽阔:expanding 展开的 | expanse 宽阔 | expansibility 扩展性

2. 广阔:frontier 邊緣地帶 | expanse 廣闊 | seagoing 遠洋航行的

3. 膨胀:expandtubes 胀管 | expanse 膨胀 | expansibility 膨胀率 膨胀性 胀度

4. 广阔;浩渺;太空;膨胀:expanding-spread vertical-loop technique 展开排列垂直回路技术 | expanse 广阔;浩渺;太空;膨胀 | expansibility 膨胀性

  • 经典引文

  • The bay was perfectsnot a ripple..upon its blue expanse.

    出自:R. L. Stevenson
  • They were crossing the Meadows, a gusty expanse of common land.

    出自:M. Spark
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The skeleton was a thriving oasis in a vast, desertlike expanse.(整个骨架都有如一个如同沙漠般广袤巨大、欣欣向荣的绿洲。)
The Singapore Flyer, a giant Ferris wheel, looks down on the vast expanse of building site.(新加坡巨大摩天观景轮(TheSingaporeFlyer)俯瞰着这片广阔的建筑工地。)
There is something about nature and the expanse of space that can rejuvenate the mind and body.(大自然和广阔的空间能让更新思绪和身体。)
Geological forces broke up this vast expanse, forever splitting Eurasia and the Americas.(地质作用力使这块非常广袤的区域发生断裂,永远地分割成了欧亚大陆和美洲大陆。)
Here's a mental exercise: picture a tropical paradise lost in an endless expanse of cerulean ocean.(以下是一个脑力练习:想象一个隐匿于广阔无垠的蓝色海洋之中的热带天堂。)
Giant chunks of rock and ice soar through its cold expanse with no destination, and no set path.(巨形的岩石和冰块漫无目的,毫无规律地穿行在这片冷寂的广漠空间。)
Imagine this dry expanse underwater, with whales hunting and diving.(试想在这样干燥广阔的“水下”,鲸鱼怎样会捕鱼和潜水。)
The grass was like an expanse of gold, and below her the valley swam in golden mist.(草地都是金色的,她脚下的山谷笼罩在金色的薄雾中。)
Even as the setting sun silhouettes these gigantic structures against the great desert expanse, a call for prayer floats over semi-finished apartment blocks filled with the activity of city life.(在广阔的沙漠中,夕阳映照出这些巨大建筑的轮廓,但在充满城市生活活力的半成品公寓楼上空,传来了祈祷的召唤。)
At night it is an expanse of darkness with only a few pinpricks of light.(到了晚上,这里到处都是漆黑一片,只有零星的几点灯光。)
expanse是什么意思 expanse在线翻译 expanse什么意思 expanse的意思 expanse的翻译 expanse的解释 expanse的发音 expanse的同义词