英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [gɜ:θ]

美 [gɜ:rθ]


v.量周长;包围;给 ... 缚上肚带

过去式: girthed 过去分词: girthed 现在分词: girthing 第三人称单数: girths

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1. stable gear consisting of a band around a horse's belly that holds the saddle in place

Synonym: cinch

2. the distance around a person's body


1. tie a cinch around

e.g. cinch horses

Synonym: cinch

1. (人、动物等的)围长、腰围
The girth of an object, for example a person's or an animal's body, is its width or thickness, considered as the measurement around its circumference.


e.g. A girl he knew had upset him by commenting on his increasing girth.

2. (马的)肚带,鞍带
A girth is a leather strap which is fastened firmly around the middle of a horse to keep the saddle or load in the right place.

1. 腰围:他很吃惊的发现,他的腰围(girth)扩大了四英寸,但是他的体重并没有增加. 很快他就成了达拉夫阿难的学生. 他开始发现,自己之所以参加大负荷的瑜珈训练是因为他对死亡的恐惧,以及他减少生活压力的愿望. 他意识到自己并没有悟道,

2. girth的近义词

2. 激励器的低音强度调节:GD ground 接地 | Girth 激励器的低音强度调节 | Glide strip 滑奏条(演奏装置)

3. 周长:girth 周长 | girth 周围 | girthjoint 环形焊接

  • 经典引文

  • Loosened her girth, pulled aside the saddle.

    出自:W. Holtby
  • The four seas that girth Britain.

    出自:Sir W. Scott
Women, he may tell you that extra girth means “more of you to love,” but he's lying.(女性们应该注意了,他可能会说要是你体积变大了,那我不是有更多的地方可以爱你了吗,但是他在说谎。)
Bo met me at the front door in jeans and a white T-shirt over his ample girth.(博在前门与我见面,他穿着一条牛仔裤,一件白色的T恤衫遮住了他那肥胖的腰身。)
Secure the English saddle onto the horse with a girth.(要确保英式马鞍用马肚带固定在马身上。)
Avoid: Horizontal stripes and larger motifs that accentuate girth.(不可取:横条纹和大块图案会显腰身粗壮。)
All nozzle flange and girth flange bolts shall be of stud bolt type.(所有设备口法兰及翼缘法兰螺栓应为双头螺栓。)
A girl he knew had upset him by commenting on his increasing girth.(他认识的一个女孩对他不断增大的腰围说长道短,这让他很不高兴。)
Researchers have found a number of ways that fat people could influence their PALS 'girth.(研究人员已经发现了胖人们影响朋友腰围的种种途径。)
GIRTH - This is the strap under the horse that holds the saddle on the horse.(肚带—肚带是在马肚子下面,把马鞍固定在马上的带子。)
The finding is particularly alarming, given the expanding girth of the British population.(如今英国人的腰围继续增加,这项发现就显得异常耸人听闻。)
We need to know the weight and the girth .(我们需要知道(箱子的)重量和周长。)
girth是什么意思 girth在线翻译 girth什么意思 girth的意思 girth的翻译 girth的解释 girth的发音 girth的同义词