英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 14:00:39
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1. exudates

1. 渗出液:根据浆膜腔积液的性质,可分为漏出液( transudate )和渗出液( exudates )两大类. 漏出液为非炎性积液,其形成的主要原因为血管内胶体渗透压降低、毛细血管静脉压增高和淋巴管阻塞;渗出液为炎性积液,其形成的主要原因有各种炎症和恶性肿瘤等.

2. 分泌液:orifice 口,孔,洞 | exudates 分泌液 | sepsis 脓毒病,腐败作用


3. 泌出物:exudation 泌出;渗出 | exudates 泌出物 | extrution 挤压

  • 临近词

The organisms from crop root exudates were collected directly by putting slide onto root surface and observed the organisms on the slide and root surface by fluorescence microscope.(利用改进根箱法对玉米和花生根际生物进行了原位采样和观察。采用载玻片贴片方法直接采集到作物根系分泌物中的生物,并用荧光显微镜进行观察。)
Root exudates markedly altered in species and quantity under heavy metal stress.(在重金属胁迫下,植物根系分泌物种类和量会发生显著变化。)
For many doctors, retinopathy-microaneurysms, haemorrhages, "hard" lipid exudates, microinfarcts of the retinal nerve fibre layer (cotton wool spots) -is synonymous with diabetes.(对很多医生来说,视网膜病—微动脉瘤,岀血,硬性脂类渗出,视网膜神经纤维层的小梗塞(棉絮状渗出点)—是与糖尿病同义的。)
The downhole exudates mainly including travertine, Fe and Mn etc. have produced continuously from the seepage sites of underground mine since Liuqiao No. 2 Coal Mine was put into production.(刘桥二矿投产两年多来,井下的渗水部位不断有钙、铁、锰质等析出物形成。)
Root exudates and plant remains in soils were concerned as one of the key reasons for these problems in other crops.(许多研究表明根系分泌物与植物残体是连作障碍的关键问题之一。)
Tissue culture methods were used to simulate the allelopathy effect of lily root exudates under sterilized conditions.(连作条件下根系分泌物的逐年积累产生的自毒效应,可能就是百合连作障碍产生的重要原因。)
The exudates promoted the nutrient absorption of all the receiver vegetables.(大蒜根系分泌物使受试作物对养分的吸收能力有所提高。)
The purely mechanical effect of glandular trichome exudates is the entrapment and immobilization of small arthropods.(具腺毛状体分泌物的纯机械作用是诱捕和粘住小的昆虫。)
Most allelochemicals in continuous and alternate cropping soils are the same as those in the root exudates, decomposed root stubs and aqueous extracts from plant shoots of soybean.(重迎茬土壤中的化感物质种类多与大豆根系分泌物、根茬腐解产物、地上部水浸物中的化感物质相同。)
Results indicated that root exudates enhanced the eggs hatch indifferent degree.(表明罗汉果根的分泌物对卵的孵化有不同程度的促进作用。)
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