英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-10 15:37:51



英 [ˈfeɪbl]

美 [ˈfebəl]



名词: fabler 过去式: fabled 过去分词: fabled 现在分词: fabling 第三人称单数: fables

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  • 寓言;童话
  • 无稽之谈
  • 神话,传说
  • 虚构的故事,荒唐故事
  • 大众谈资, 人人谈论的话题
  • 情节
  • 谎言,不实之词
  • 虚构,杜撰
  • 煞有介事地讲述
  • 讲寓言,讲故事
  • 撒谎
  • 作寓言,编寓言
  • [C]寓言 a short story that teaches a lesson of moral and that often has animals as speaking characters
  • [U]神话,传说 such stories and legends considered as a group


1. a story about mythical or supernatural beings or events

Synonym: legend

2. a short moral story (often with animal characters)

Synonym: parableallegoryapologue

3. a deliberately false or improbable account

Synonym: fabricationfiction

1. 寓言
A fable is a story which teaches a moral lesson. Fables sometimes have animals as the main characters.

e.g. ...the fable of the tortoise and the hare...
e.g. Each tale has the timeless quality of fable.

2. 谣传;无稽之谈
You can describe a statement or explanation that is untrue but that many people believe as fable .

e.g. Is reincarnation fact or fable?
e.g. ...little-known horticultural facts and fables.

1. <神鬼寓言>:目前,它的续作也已经上市,而后续又制作的<>(FABLE)成为2005年最佳RPG游戏,<>(The Movies)及其续作<>都获得了不错的市场认可,所以玩家们对牛蛙的谢幕似乎并不伤心,

2. 神话:任何一个民族初期的历史,可说都是有后代藉着追记的方法而得知,因此自然免不了会有一些传说和神话(fable)的色彩. 不过,传说或神话并不尽然是空穴来风,总有一些事实根据. 中国的历史(history)也是这样,根据司马迁的史记记载,

  • 常用例句

  • The fable is given on the next page.
  • The course is about fable and legend in modern literature.
  • 词义讲解

fable, account, anecdote, legend, myth, story, tale
  • 这组词都可表示叙事性的文字。其区别是:
  • 1.account, fable, legend, myth, story, tale是一般用词; anecdote是正式用词。
  • 2.account指对于某事的详细说明,原原本本,有头有尾,多用于报道事实; story指取悦于人的完整故事,有人物,有情节,有头有尾,可口头也可书面,可真实也可虚构,体裁上则既可为诗体,也可为散文体; anecdote指轶事趣闻,一般较短,有趣味; fable指寓言,主人公多为拟人化的动物或非生物,多为虚构,旨在说明一个道理或教训,而寓言则多在结尾处点明; legend 指民间传说或传奇故事,多含虚幻成分; myth指神话,特指与宗教或原始文明有关的故事,多以超人的力量去解释自然现象或人生; tale指故事或传说,即或有事实根据也多添枝加叶或夸张,含荒唐不可信的意味。
  • 相关列句
    It's a really reassuring fable about how good it is to be mortal.(这是一个多么令人宽慰的寓言故事——一个关于凡人其实是多么美好的寓言故事。)
    Really, it's more like a fable or a folktale.(真的,这有点儿像是个寓言或者是传说。)
    I was writing a long play on a fable suggested by one of my father's early designs.(受到父亲早期作品的提示,我根据一则寓言的内容创作了一出长剧。)
    But this is an almost absurd distillation, the carefully spun fable of Soviet propaganda mills.(实际上这几乎是荒谬的片面之言,是苏联精心设计的宣传谎言。)
    The fable is on the next page.(这篇寓言在下一页上。)
    The advent of digital technology only exacerbated photography's flight into fable.(数字技术的到来只是加快了摄影变成神话的速度。)
    Aesop's fable seems to make sense to us while Kafka's story doesn't, it feels empty and absurd.(伊索寓言看上去似乎对我们更有意义,然而卡夫卡的故事就不是了,感觉它是空虚和荒谬的。)
    If this were an Alice in Wonderland fable, you \ 'd say it \' s too extreme.(这即便作为一部《爱丽丝漫游奇境》一样的寓言看都太极端了。)
    He says that he is a fool. He tells this fable of the hawk and the nightingale, which illustrates really the doctrine of might over right.(他说自己是个傻子。他讲了这个关于鹰和夜莺的寓言,真正说明了强权高于公理的道理。)
    To facilitate communication, the father told the son a fable about a puppet.(为了使沟通变得更容易,父亲对儿子讲了一个有关一个木偶的寓言。)
    fable是什么意思 fable在线翻译 fable什么意思 fable的意思 fable的翻译 fable的解释 fable的发音 fable的同义词