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英 [ˈflæməbl]

美 [ˈflæməbəl]



名词: flammability

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  • 易燃的
  • 可燃的,可燃性的
  • 速燃的
  • 燃烧的


1. easily ignited

Synonym: inflammable

1. 易燃的;可燃的
Flammable chemicals, gases, cloth, or other things catch fire and burn easily.

e.g. ...flammable liquids such as petrol or paraffin.

1. flammable的近义词

1. 易燃的:fire extinguisher 灭火器 | flammable 易燃的 | fluorine is pale yellow gas 氟是淡黄绿色气体

2. 可燃的;易燃的:有毒的 toxic | 可燃的;易燃的 flammable | 回收 recovery

In 1847, the Scottish physician Sir James Young Simpson first used the sweet-smelling, colorless, non-flammable liquid as an anesthetic.(在1847年,苏格兰的医生JamesYoungSimpson第一个使用氯仿-无色,甜味,不可燃的液体-作为麻醉剂。)
Yes, oily leaves are more flammable; but perhaps the real advantage of oily leaves is that insects don't enjoy eating them.(的确,含油的叶子更易燃;但或许含油叶子的真正优势在于昆虫不爱吃它们。)
Clean up spilled medicines, bleaches, and gasoline and other flammable liquids.(清除溢出的药品,漂白剂、汽油和其他易燃易爆液体。)
Immediately clean up spilled medicines, drugs, flammable liquids, and other potentially hazardous materials.(立刻清理泄露的药物、可燃液体,以及其他潜在的有毒物质。)
But here's the odd thing. Many plants that live in places prone to fire are highly flammable - more flammable than plants that live elsewhere.(但有件古怪的事:很多长在易着火地方的植物非常易燃——比长在其他地方的植物更易燃。)
Hydrogen is a flammable.(氢是可燃烧的。)
But don't imagine that bees, flammable nightwear or fireworks are without their (admittedly more remote) dangers too.(但是,你别以为蜜蜂、易燃的睡衣或烟火就有多安全。)
Pyjamas made from flammable material have been removed from most shops.(大部分商店都不再出售用易燃材料做的睡衣了。)
You are not allowed to carry flammable, explosive or other dangerous things into the cable car.(请勿携带易燃、易爆或其他危险物品进入缆车。)
Most of the radioactive particles are in the soil rather than in the flammable leaf litter and trees, he explains.(他解释说,大部分放射性物质存在于土壤中而不是易燃的树叶和树木中。)
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