英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈθɪknəs]

美 [ˈθɪknɪs]



The trousers have double thickness knee panels for extra protection.(这条裤子上有双倍厚的护膝片以加强保护。)
It adds texture and thickness to the soup.(它增加了汤的质感和浓度。)
Attempts were made to calculate Earth's age from the thickness of surviving sedimentary rock and from the current level of the oceans' salinity.(人们曾试图根据现存沉积岩的厚度和目前海洋的盐度水平来计算地球的年龄。)
Vary the thickness and length of the lines.(改变线条的粗细和长度。)
The man had measured the length of their arms, checked with calipers the thickness of the skin below their eyebrows.(这个人测量了他们的胳膊长度,用游标卡尺检查了他们的眉毛下面的皮肤厚度。)
So I will go with this for the thickness of one sheet.(因此,我将以这个数据来表示每张汽泡纸的厚度。)
The glass settled to a thickness of six millimetres because of surface tension interactions between the glass and the tin.(由于玻璃和锡之间的表面张力的相互作用,玻璃的厚度降到了6毫米。)
When conditions are hot, the ostrich erects them on its back, thus increasing the thickness of the barrier between solar radiation and the skin.(当天气炎热时,鸵鸟会把它们背在背上,这样就增加了太阳辐射与皮肤之间的屏障厚度。)
What's the thickness of the wall?(这堵墙有多厚?)
Five tons of soil would fill a small dump truck; if spread over an acre, it would make a layer slightly less than the thickness of a dime.(五吨的土会装满一辆小型自卸式卡车;若铺开在一英亩的土地上,它会形成不足一角硬币厚度的土层。)
  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释

  • 厚度
  • 层,一层
  • 浓度
  • 密度
  • 最厚的部分
  • 最浓密处
  • 混浊
  • 粗大
  • 浓厚
  • 黏稠
  • 稠密
  • 模糊不清
  • 多烟雾
  • 愚笨
  • 迟钝
  • 【空】厚翼


1. resistance to flow

2. the dimension through an object as opposed to its length or width

3. used of a line or mark

Synonym: heaviness

4. indistinct articulation

e.g. judging from the thickness of his speech he had been drinking heavily

1. 厚:3 面积(area) 即所测定的ROI的面积,以mm32.8 象素(pixel) 即构成CT 图像的小亮点称为2.9 矩阵(matrix) 将人体横断面各点的CT 值2.10 伪影(artifacts) 即因机器或技术等原因出2.12 层厚(thickness) 即扫描所计划设置的层2.

  • 经典引文

  • Mix juice of Celandine with Honey to the Thickness of Cream.

    出自:J. Wesley
  • Spyros is conscious of the thickness of his lenses, and wanted frames to conceal this.

  • Jaw length bob, cut..to give maximum thickness and volume.

thickness是什么意思 thickness在线翻译 thickness什么意思 thickness的意思 thickness的翻译 thickness的解释 thickness的发音 thickness的同义词