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更新时间:2025-03-10 14:58:23



英 [ˈgru:səm]

美 [ˈɡrusəm]


副词: gruesomely 名词: gruesomeness

  • 详情解释

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  • 可怕的,吓人的,阴森的,恐怖的,令人毛骨悚然的,叫人望而生畏的
  • 令人厌恶的,令人憎恶的,可憎的



1. shockingly repellent
inspiring horror

e.g. ghastly wounds
the grim aftermath of the bombing
the grim task of burying the victims
a grisly murder
gruesome evidence of human sacrifice
macabre tales of war and plague in the Middle ages
macabre tortures conceived by madmen

Synonym: ghastlygrimgrislymacabresick

1. 令人厌恶的;恐怖的;令人震惊的
Something that is gruesome is extremely unpleasant and shocking.

e.g. There has been a series of gruesome murders in the capital.

He has spent periods in prison, where he was gruesomely tortured.
...a gruesomely compelling series of interviews.

1. gruesome什么意思

1. 可怕的:grueling 重罚 | gruesome 可怕的 | gruesomely 可怖地

2. 令人厌恶的:不知足的,贪得无厌的insatiable | 令人厌恶的gruesome | 令人恶心的sickening

3. 可怕的,阴森的:resemblance 相似 貌似 | gruesome 可怕的,阴森的 | fascinating 迷人的,美好的

4. 令人毛骨悚然的,恶心的:mettlesome 精神抖擞的 | gruesome 令人毛骨悚然的,恶心的 | loathsome 可憎的,令人作呕的

  • 经典引文

  • It was a particularly gruesome killing, for..he had been shot twice more through each eye.

    出自:F. Smyth
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Liberia's long civil war made such things seem less gruesome.(利比里亚长期的内战让这样的事情看起来并不那么骇人听闻。)
Only I knew that Hattie was infected with a secret fever, more gruesome than either of them could imagine.(只有我知道,海蒂被一种神秘的热病感染了,那比他们任何人所能想象到的还更可怕。)
The first option is too gruesome to contemplate.(第一种选择太可怕,难以去想象。)
She was hit by a van, as captured in a video so gruesome that I'm not providing a link.(一个视频拍到,她被一辆大货车撞倒,场面太残忍了,我不打算提供这个链接。)
There has been a series of gruesome murders in the capital.(在首都发生了一连串恐怖的谋杀案。)
Two years ago Von Trier made worldwide headlines when his gruesome film Antichrist premiered at Cannes.(两年以前,冯.提尔因为他那部阴森的反基督电影在戛纳首映而成为世界各地媒体的头条。)
While not as creepy, many men think the childbirth films are nearly as gruesome.(尽管不会让人毛骨悚然,许多男性认为那些关于分娩的影碟还是挺可怕的。)
He was kept in a gruesome prison, and intermittently tortured, for five-and-a-half years.(他被关押在一间令人毛骨悚然的监狱里,受尽折磨,这一关就是五年半。)
The stag's skull balanced on the pillar reminds us of the gruesome train of events that follows from this moment.(悬挂在柱子上的雄鹿的头骨不禁让我们想起在之后发生的一连串恐怖事件。)
And it's not because of some sort of gruesome, morbid curiosity.(也不是因为对可怕的病态心理的好奇。)
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