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英 [grʌf]

美 [ɡrʌf]


副词: gruffly 比较级: gruffer 最高级: gruffest 名词: gruffness

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  • (声音)粗哑的,嘶哑的
  • 粗鲁的,粗暴的,粗率的
  • 板着脸孔的,(态度)生硬的
  • 脾气坏的,性格乖戾的
  • 粗声粗气的
  • 有气
  • 冷淡的
  • 粗糙的
  • 粗声粗气地说

1. (嗓音)粗哑的,低沉的
A gruff voice sounds low and rough.


e.g. He picked up the phone expecting to hear the chairman's gruff voice.

'Well, never mind now,' he said gruffly.

2. 粗暴的;脾气坏的
If you describe someone as gruff, you mean that they seem rather unfriendly or bad-tempered.

e.g. His gruff exterior concealed one of the kindest hearts.

1. 粗暴的;生硬的;不友好的:bluff 虚张声势 | gruff 粗暴的;生硬的;不友好的 | winsome 漂亮的;迷人的

2. 粗暴的:muff 搞糟,弄乱 | gruff 粗暴的 | foodstuff 食料,食品

3. 粗糙的:grudge 遗恨 | gruff 粗糙的 | grumble 诉苦


4. 粗魯:Gruencap 克魯恩 | Gruff 粗魯 | Grug Boneshaker 克魯格

  • 经典引文

  • A gruff country man, not conscious of, and therefore not ashamed of, his provinciality.

    出自:H. Read
  • Speaking in the gruff voice of deep emotion.

    出自:V. Woolf
  • Then a hearty handshake, a resumption of the usual gruff manner.

    出自:S. Raven
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Never, said the grass, in the gruff tones of Jorah Mormont.(绝对不是,草海用乔拉·莫尔蒙粗哑的音调回答。)
He sounded gruff but I know he CARES about me.(虽然他声音听起来一板一眼,但我知道他是关心我的。)
His gruff exterior concealed one of the kindest hearts.(他不友好的外表下藏着一颗最善良的心。)
"What are you doing here?" he cried in a very gruff voice, and the children ran away.(“你们在这儿做什么!”他非常粗暴地喊道,孩子们跑开了。)
His gruff hoarse voice struck my ears.(他那粗重嘶哑的嗓音传入了我的耳中。)
"Nothing else is normal," he said, sounding simultaneously gruff and sad.(“什么都没有也很正常。”他带着忿忿和伤心的语气说。)
Now normally, I'm as gruff as the next person when it comes to getting off to work.(如果是平常,当我离开去工作时我会像下个人一样焦躁。)
"Now, the VERY next time this happens," said a gruff and suspicious voice, "I shall be exceedingly angry."(“嗨,如果再发生这种事,”一个粗哑而带着猜疑的声音说,“我会非常生气的。”)
He could only roar in a gruff voice.(他仅能以沙哑的声音吼叫着。)
His gruff manner made me angry.(他粗暴的态度让我生气。)
gruff是什么意思 gruff在线翻译 gruff什么意思 gruff的意思 gruff的翻译 gruff的解释 gruff的发音 gruff的同义词