英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈgʌstəʊ]

美 [ˈgʌstoʊ]


名词复数: gustoes

  • 详情解释

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  • 爱好,嗜好,癖好
  • 热情,精力,兴致,热忱
  • 津津有味,兴致勃勃
  • 艺术的风格
  • 风味,滋味
  • 兴高采烈,由衷的高兴
  • 乐趣,兴趣,趣味
  • 啤酒



1. vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment

Synonym: relishzestzestfulness

1. (做某事的)热情,兴致,精力
If you do something with gusto, you do it with energetic and enthusiastic enjoyment.

e.g. Hers was a minor part, but she played it with gusto.

1. 爱好:gustiness 狂风 | gusto 爱好 | gusty 突发的

2. 相关词:She joined in the games with zest. 她很有兴趣地参加了比赛... | 相关词:Delight, eagerness, enjoyment, gusto, pleasure, relish, satisfaction, savor | 25. lotus-eater [希神]食忘忧树而忘却往事的人, 贪安逸的...

  • 经典引文

  • Though it was no more than fish..served with lettuce, I ate with gusto.

    出自:J. M. Coetzee
  • His gusto for the work was evident.

    出自:H. Wouk
The villagers threw themselves into the ceremonies with gusto.(村民们津津有味地围观仪式。)
Curators complain that lovers, lost in art galleries, appropriate dark corners and hide in gusto.(策展人抱怨迷失在画廊里的那些恋人挪用了黑暗的角落,还津津有味地藏了起来。)
Wolfe embraced his new life with gusto.(沃尔夫满腔热忱地迎接新生活。)
I have gusto?(我有嗜好?)
As unproven as these new digitized worlds may be, IBM is adopting virtual world technologies with gusto.(这些数字化世界还没有经过充分的验证,IBM却欣然采用虚拟世界技术。)
But among the employees of ITP, the magazine's publisher, the free drinks were going down with more than the usual gusto.(但该杂志出版商itp的雇员在喝着免费饮料的同时,心中还有一种别样的感受。)
When an economy is humming along, unsatisfied employees can quit cruddy jobs with relative gusto.(经济形势良好时,对工作不满意的员工可以辞掉令他不爽的工作,但对未来还是相对乐观。)
Lizzy Caplan stepped into Isla Fisher's shoes as the female component of this team of elite magicians with gusto.(丽兹·卡潘取代艾拉·菲舍尔,满怀热情担当了精英魔术师团队中的女性元素。)
The secret is integrated exercise. This involves going about your normal daily life - but doing it with more gusto.(秘诀就是“综合性锻炼”。这得从你的日常生活做起——但一定要充满热情地去做。)
They sang with gusto.(他们兴致勃勃地唱歌。)
gusto是什么意思 gusto在线翻译 gusto什么意思 gusto的意思 gusto的翻译 gusto的解释 gusto的发音 gusto的同义词