英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:32:25



英 [ɪmˈpetʃuəs]

美 [ɪmˈpɛtʃuəs]


副词: impetuously 名词: impetuousness

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  • 冲动的,鲁莽的,性急的,急躁的,轻率的,莽撞的,冒失的,毛手毛脚的
  • 猛烈的,激烈的,狂暴的
  • 奔腾的,迅疾的
  • 激动的
  • 轻举妄动的
  • 烈性子的
  • 仓促的



1. characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation
(`brainish' is archaic)

e.g. a hotheaded decision
liable to such impulsive acts as hugging strangers
an impetuous display of spending and gambling
madcap escapades

Synonym: hotheadedimpulsivemadcaptearaway(a)brainish

2. marked by violent force

e.g. impetuous heaving waves

1. 急躁的;冲动的
If you describe someone as impetuous, you mean that they are likely to act quickly and suddenly without thinking or being careful.

e.g. He was young and impetuous...
e.g. He tended to react in a heated and impetuous way.


1. 冲动,猛烈的:imperil 危及,使陷於危机 | impetuous 冲动,猛烈的 | impetus 原动力,冲力,刺激

2. 冲动的;鲁莽的:impetus 推动力, 促进 | impetuous 冲动的;鲁莽的 | viaduct 高架桥, 高架铁路, 间道

3. 冲动的:impetuosity 激烈 | impetuous 冲动的 | impetuously 激烈地

  • 经典引文

  • Strength to resist the most impetuous winds.

    出自:S. Williams
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Only calm, just outside downtown without distortion and impetuous, to listen to the inner voice.(唯有心静,身外的繁华才不至于扭曲和浮躁,才能倾听到内心真实的声音。)
He is an impetuous, headstrong workaholic, who is reluctant to delegate.(他是个冲动倔强的工作狂,是个不愿意放权的人。)
Calm and conciliatory pragmatism is welcome after George Bush's impetuous moral certitude, but it also carries risks.(布什当时施行的是冲动的道德正义,在此之后,冷静调和的实用主义更受欢迎,但是这也要担风险。)
Just feel the moment there are some erratic impetuous.(只是时刻的感觉自己有一些飘忽不定的浮躁。)
The rapidity of change follows the impetuous pace of man rather than the deliberate pace of nature.(环境改变的速度不再顺从大自然从容不迫的节奏,而是顺从人类急切匆匆的步伐。)
Susanoo is a gloomy, fierce, impetuous sort of divinity, but he does have his good side.(须佐之男是悲观的,激烈的,浮躁的神,但他确实有善的一面。)
Although a man of blood and violence, Richard was too impetuous to be either treacherous or habitually cruel.(虽然理查德是一个血腥暴力的人,但他过于冲动,既不奸诈,也不惯于残忍。)
The headstrong impetuous man rushed into things without forethought.(这个顽固的莽汉,不预先考虑,仓促行事。)
Will take from both a deep autumnal tone sweet though in sadness. be thou spirit fierce my spirit! Be thou me impetuous one!(将染有树林和我的深邃的秋意:虽忧伤而甜蜜。呵,但愿你给予我狂暴的精神!奋勇者呵,让我们合一!)
Life to precipitation, have anyone, a person will force enough impetuous.(人生要成沉淀,要有定力,一个人定力不够会浮躁。)
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