英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-04-30 16:09:16



英 ['dʒɪtə]

美 [ˈdʒɪtɚ]



过去式: jittered 过去分词: jittered 现在分词: jittering 第三人称单数: jitters

  • 英英释义

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1. a small irregular movement

2. small rapid variations in a waveform resulting from fluctuations in the voltage supply or mechanical vibrations or other sources

1. 跳动:摘要: 第三代行动通讯系统虽然提供了更大的频宽来因应未来的多媒体传输,然而多媒体应用对於服务品质要求严谨,不仅须较大的频宽,更有延迟时间(delay)、跳动(jitter)及封包遗失率等限制.

  • 经典引文

  • The publishers here have the jitters so badly..they won't look at anything new.

    出自:F. M. Ford
  • Recession jitters now afflicting..economists.

I am an exam jitter.(我一测验就紧张。)
The amount of jitter (noise) in the gradient. The jitter, which reduces banding, affects only those areas where banding could occur.(渐变中的噪点值。抖动,用来减少结合,只影响结合发生的区域。)
But traditional way will significantly increase traffic occupation and jitter problems.(但也可能引起网络路径上流量占用和网络抖动问题。)
With latency and jitter, you pay more when you want less.(对延迟和抖动,你想降低就得多花钱。)
Time domain quality is effectiveness for given the period of time, which is fixed on the delay and delay-jitter of the network.(时间域的保证是对传输数据的时效性保证,取决于网络的延时和延时抖动特征。)
The Lotus Sametime client USES a jitter buffer to save several packets before it plays back the packets.(LotusSametime客户机使用一个抖动缓冲区保存一些包,直到它回放这些包。)
Jitter, that is very likely damage degaussed resistance, in the absence of sound may be the relay and control circuit problem.(抖动,说明极有可能是消磁电阻损坏,如果没有响声则可能继电器及其控制电路有问题。)
Many of the cars appeared in different situations, coke excessive jitter and flameout phenomenon.(很多汽车出现不同情况的积炭过多、抖动、熄火等现象。)
In order to minimize the PLL jitter, it is recommended to avoid active signal on the TEST output.(为了尽量减少抖动的锁相环,建议,以避免在测试输出的积极信号。)
Body jitter on the ride comfort and control judgments will have an impact.(车身抖动对行车舒适感和操控判断都会有所影响。)
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