英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈki:həʊl]

美 [ˈki:hoʊl]




  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

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  • 锁眼,钥匙孔
  • 【建】键孔
  • 栓孔
  • 锁眼形罚球跑道
  • 【篮球】罚球区
  • 锁眼(美国制造的KH-11侦察机)
  • (子弹)射击目标形成锁眼状的孔


1. the hole where a key is inserted

1. 锁眼;钥匙孔
A keyhole is the hole in a lock that you put a key in.

e.g. I looked through the keyhole.

1. 钥孔形弹孔:Kentucky Rifle [肯塔基来福枪] | Keyhole [钥孔形弹孔] | Kick [后座感]

  • 经典引文

  • Do come in..unless you want to stay outside with your ear to the keyhole.

    出自:L. Cody
The aim is to study the effects of cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-8) on T-lymphocyte subsets in keyhole limpet haemocyanin (KLH)-immunized mice.(目的是探讨八肽胆囊收缩素(CCK-8)对经钥孔戚血蓝蛋白(KLH)免疫小鼠T淋巴细胞亚群的影响。)
So the parents hid in the nearby closet and waited nervously. Peeping through the keyhole they saw their son arrive.(于是父母躲在附近飞衣橱里紧张地等待着,从钥匙孔偷看儿子回来的一举一动。)
But past experience suggests that such keyhole surgery may prove impossible.(但是过去的经验显示出,这样的微创手术可能不会有效。)
The monkey was on the other side of the door, looking at the professor through the keyhole.(猴子在门的另一面,正从锁眼里看教授呢。)
She was squinting through the keyhole.(她瞇着眼从锁眼往里看。)
Then he kneeled down and put his eye to the keyhole. What did he see?(他看到了什么?)
But we have discovered another keyhole and another key which can lock the door.(但是我们发现了另一个锁孔和另一把可以锁门的钥匙。)
With this new technique, doctors would use keyhole surgery to insert a brace to support wounded ligaments.(有了新的技术,医生可以用微创手术来嵌入支架支撑受伤的韧带。)
Temptation is the devil looking through the keyhole. Yielding is opening the door and inviting him in.(诱惑就是钻出瓶子的恶魔。屈服正打开门,邀请他。)
The corn shapes are coded messages from the Creator, "a keyhole through which we can look into another dimension".(玉米形状是编码信息来自造物主,“一个钥匙孔透过它我们可看到另一度空间”。)
keyhole是什么意思 keyhole在线翻译 keyhole什么意思 keyhole的意思 keyhole的翻译 keyhole的解释 keyhole的发音 keyhole的同义词