英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:18:22



英 [læs]

美 [læs]



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1. a girl or young woman who is unmarried

Synonym: lassieyoung girljeune fille

1. 小姑娘;少女;小姐
A lass is a young woman or girl.

e.g. Anne is a Lancashire lass from Longton, near Preston...
e.g. 'What is it, lass?' Finlay cried.

1. 少女:词中词,形象联想. ker+首领(chief)变成了头巾(kerchief),再加hand,变成了手帕. 腰围少了sl厘米lim,就瘦了下来变得苗条(slim)指甲(nail)打弯s象蜗牛(snail)班级(class)跑出一个少女(lass),少女(maid)需要妈妈m的帮助(aid)

2. 女孩:男孩(boy)知道女孩(lass)已为人妇,所以他从来不在卡片裏留下姓名和联系号码,他不想因为自已的感情而影响女孩(lass)的生活. 几年时间转眼就过去了,男孩(boy)依然是形只影单,依然记得每年都送花给女孩(lass).

3. 本课时,我们有三个学习任务:53. It'll take us two periods to grasp(master) these.这些需要我们两课时才能掌握. | lass.本课时,我们有三个学习任务. | 55. The first is the background and the writer .首先是本文的背景和作者情况.

4. 情侣,少女:lascivious 好色的,淫荡的,挑动情欲的 | lass 情侣,少女 | list 欲望

5. lass

5. lass:local area signal services; 本地信令业务


6. lass:light activated silicon switch; 光触发硅开关

7. lass的反义词

7. lass:latin american sleep society; 日本睡眠研究会

8. lass的近义词

8. lass:light – activated silicon switch; 由光触发的硅开关

  • 经典引文

  • I talked to the lass who represents the young Socialists on the N.E.C.

    出自:B. Castle
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

What were you running after, pretty Slav lass?(美丽的斯拉夫姑娘你又去追赶什么?)
The ogre demanded the annual sacrifice of a young village lass to satisfy his blood lust.(这个食人巨妖要求村里每年献祭一个少女来满足他的嗜血欲。)
Then the hangman said, 'Now, lass, say thy prayers, for thou must die.' But she said.(刽子手说:“姑娘,现在做祷告吧,因为你必须死了。”但姑娘说。)
Now lass, Detect Evil on 'im an' me agin.(现在,丫头,再在俺和他身上侦测邪恶。)
He was playing the fool with that lass.(他在戏弄那个小姑娘。)
Two lads an' a little lass just lookin' on at th' springtime.(两个小男孩和一个小女孩只是在看着春天。)
And besides, you should have known better than to choose such a rush of a lass!(另外,你不该选这么一个薄命的姑娘。)
It's the crown, lass.(是那个皇冠,丫头。)
Tha'lt be like a blush rose when tha' grows up, my little lass, bless thee.(等你长大了,就会像一朵红红的玫瑰,我的小姑娘,愿上帝保佑你。)
What are you blubbering for, lass?(姑娘,你哭哭啼啼是什么缘故?)
lass是什么意思 lass在线翻译 lass什么意思 lass的意思 lass的翻译 lass的解释 lass的发音 lass的同义词