英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:30:43



英 [ˈlɪpɪd]

美 ['lɪpɪd]


形容词: lipidic 异体字: lipide

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  • 【生化】脂质
  • 类脂
  • 【化】脂类
  • 类脂体
  • 类脂物
  • 磷脂
  • 油脂



1. an oily organic compound insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents
essential structural component of living cells (along with proteins and carbohydrates)

Synonym: lipidelipoid

1. 脂类:(四)脂类(lipid)比较重要的脂类有真脂(即甘油酯)、磷脂及固醇三大类. 最简单的脂肪是由甘油和脂肪酸构成的. 脂类是一种能源(每克脂肪要比每克糖或蛋白质多供应一倍以上的热量),也是细胞各种结构的组成成分,尤其是细胞膜、核膜以及细胞器的膜,

2. 脂质:此化合物会导致氧化(Oxidation): 直接伤害蛋白质(protein )、基因(DNA)、脂质(Lipid)因而导致人体组织及细胞破坏. 理论上使用抗氧化剂应该可以中合这一种活性氧类(ROS)、减少氧化(Oxidation)导致的组织及细胞破坏.

3. 脂肪:强烈的求知欲使他通过各种途径了解到羊毛脂的珍贵价值,Jerry发现羊毛脂蕴含丰富的人体皮肤所必须的脂肪酸,拥有非常接近人类皮肤表皮角质层内皮脂肪(Lipid)的特性,有非常卓越的油水平衡效果.

Urine microproteins increasing in ischemic apoplexy are relative to stages of hypertension, serum lipid level and types of lipid dysbolism.(缺血性中风后尿微量蛋白的增加与高血压的阶段,血清脂质水平和脂质代谢障碍的类型有关。)
A fasting lipid profile consists of: total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL and LDL. Your goals are.(空腹血脂测试包括:总胆固醇、甘油三酯、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL)和低密度脂蛋白(LDL)。)
According to the doctors interviewed for "Fathead", the lipid hypothesis is "bogus".(据“傻瓜”纪录片中采访的博士说,这个脂肪假设是“捏造的”。)
One possible mechanism, demonstrated in animal studies, is that being sedentary may affect lipid metabolism.(动物实验显示的一个可能原理是,久坐会影响脂类代谢。)
Conclusions: Capsule of composite leech has more effect in regulating blood lipid.(结论:复方水蛭胶囊有较好的调节血脂作用。)
If there is only one lipid bilayer, they are called unilamellar vesicles.(如果只有一层磷脂双分子层,则它们称为单层脂质体。)
Cholesterol, a type of lipid, is found in foods from animal sources.(胆固醇也是一种油脂,存在于动物来源的食物中。)
Previous research had analyzed the protein and lipid content of glioblastoma microvesicles.(早先的分析发现胶质母细胞瘤的微泡是由蛋白质和油脂组成的。)
The disorder of lipid metabolism is major pathogenesis of the disease.(脂类代谢失调是脂肪肝的主要发病机理。)
When he joined the group a few years ago the fatty acid lipid vesicles were already standard.(几年前他加入这个研究组时,脂肪酸囊泡为标准囊泡,并观察膜泡增长速度。)
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