英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 ['lɒbju:l]

美 ['lɒbju:l]


形容词: lobular 副词: lobularly

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. a small lobe or subdivision of a lobe

1. lobule的近义词

1. 小叶:一般而言,动情素(estrogen)是负责乳腺管的增生,而黄体激素(progesterone)可以刺激乳房小叶(lobule)与腺泡(alveoli)的发育,当长期被黄体激素刺激就会导致乳腺囊性增生病及乳腺小叶增生等,以及其它良性的疾病,如乳头溢液等毛病

2. 小裂片:lobulation 由小叶片组成 | lobule 小裂片 | lobworm 沙蚕

3. 小裂片; 小叶 (名):lobulation 由小叶片组成; 分成小裂片 (名) | lobule 小裂片; 小叶 (名) | local 地方的; 局部的; 当地的 (形)

  • 临近词

Fatty liver disease (FLD) is a clinicopathological syndrome caused by a variety of reasons. The main lesions are in hepatic lobule with steatohepatitis and accumulation of triglycerides in the liver.(脂肪性肝病是多种原因引起的病变主体在肝小叶、以肝细胞脂肪变性和脂肪蓄积过多为主的临床病理综合征。)
Pancreatic lobule, whose endocrine portion has many capillary vessel, is not developed.(胰脏的小叶界限不清,内分泌部有丰富的毛细血管。)
As the liver increasing and the liver lobule forming, 1-2 layers of cells arrange in the liver cell cords.(随着肝脏增大,肝小叶的形成,排列成由1~2层甚至单层的肝细胞索。)
The neuropsychological research showed that bilateral inferior parietal lobule and left prefrontal are related to calculation processing.(神经心理学及脑损伤的研究结果表明,大脑两侧顶下小叶和左前额叶与计算加工有关。)
In the lower third and especially at the nasal lobule, the skin becomes thicker, more sebaceous, and more adherent to the underlying structures.(在下三分之一,尤其是鼻小叶部位,皮肤变厚,皮脂腺丰富,与下方结构附着更紧。)
The results showed that: (1)HSP70 was localized in cell plasma of hepatic lobule;(结果:(1)HSP70主要定位于肝细胞质,细胞核中较少;)
There is some truth to this also. The lobule that is responsible for the perception of speed and the mental ability to rotate 3-D objects is also responsible for perceiving time.(这也是某些事实,负责速度感知和旋转3D物体心智能力的小叶,也同样负责着对时间的感知。)
Compared to the control group, the necrotic area of hepatic lobule and fat droplets of hepatic cells were decreased and SDH activity was increased in the experimental group...(实验组与对照组相比,肝小叶损伤区域缩小,肝细胞中脂滴减少,琥珀酸脱氢酶活性增强。)
After day 18, the normal liver lobule structures began to recover.(第18天以后,正常的肝小叶结构开始恢复。)
Acidophilia staining of acinus fluid of inside lobule is deeper than that of lateral lobule.(小叶中部腺泡着色较深,外侧腺泡着色较浅。)
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