英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ləʊˈkæləti]

美 [loʊˈkæləti]


名词复数: localities

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • [C]位置,地区,地点 position of sth;place or district in which sth happens


1. a surrounding or nearby region

e.g. the plane crashed in the vicinity of Asheville
it is a rugged locality
he always blames someone else in the immediate neighborhood
I will drop in on you the next time I am in this neck of the woods

Synonym: vicinityneighborhoodneighbourhoodneck of the woods

1. (某一国家或城市的小块)地区
A locality is a small area of a country or city.

e.g. Following the discovery of the explosives the president cancelled his visit to the locality...
e.g. Details of the drinking water quality in your locality can be obtained from the public register.

1. 产地:在科学性收藏中,「产地(locality)」是较被接受的用词,乃指特定地理地点. 乾湿计表格(psychrometric table):一种与手摇乾湿度计一并使用以决定相对湿度的图表. 收执、收据(receipt):确认收受物件之书面收条.

2. locality在线翻译

2. 位置:此时由单个治理平面来治理传送平面网元,而多所有权情况则需要多个治理平面,多所有权情况通常在业务量满足以下情况时发生:在端到端光业务为地区性情况下,位置(locality)属性在是固定的,业务仅局限于一个给定的区域,

3. 定域性:更不可原谅的是,玻姆在不惜一切代价地地恢复了世界的实在性和决定性之后,却放弃了另一样同等重要的东西:定域性(Locality). 定域性指的是,在某段时间里,所有的因果关系都必须维持在一个特定的区域内,而不能超越时空来瞬间地作用和传播.

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • It was the locality of the crime.
  • They moved to a locality where they were not known.
  • The two factories are in the same locality.
  • Every object has locality.
用作名词 (n.)
  • The girl's father..was a man of some note in the locality.

    出自:W. Trevor
  • Planning permission is intended to make sure a..development fits in with the locality.

  • 词义讲解

locality, place
  • 这两个词的共同意思是“地点”。其区别在于:
  • 1.locality常表示事件发生处; place既可指较笼统的范围,又可指具体的某一地点或位置。例如:
  • It was the locality of the crime.这就是犯罪现场。
  • John competed for a place at the school, but didn't get in.约翰想在学校里占有一席之地,但并未成功。
  • 2.place的使用范围较广,但指“地区、地带”时, locality比place所指的范围大。例如:
  • The entire locality has been affected by the new motorway.整个地区都受到了新高速公路的影响。
  • Tom floated from place to place.汤姆到处游荡。
  • 相关列句
    The two factories are in the same locality.(这两家工厂在同一地区。)
    Why doesn't nature allow even stronger non-locality?(为什么大自然中不存在更强的非定域性。)
    We talk of the brain as the locality of thought.(我们把进行思维的地方叫做大脑。)
    A locality is a more general idea, but one can think of all service providers as localities.(产地是更一般的概念,但我们可以认为所有的服务提供者都是产地。)
    Following the discovery of the explosives the president cancelled his visit to the locality.(发现爆炸物之后总统取消了对该地区的访问。)
    Our evaluation: The parallel Web provides no data locality whatsoever.(我们的评估:无论如何,并行web不具备数据局部性。)
    Interesting facts regarding transport were found: 95% was on foot; 80% was within the locality; and 70% was related to the collection of water and firewood and travelling to grinding mills.(人们发现了一些关于交通的有趣事实:95%的人是步行;80%的人住在当地;70%的人的行程与取水、拾柴,以及去磨坊有关。)
    It has to cover things that happen in a certain locality.(它必须报道发生在特定地区的事情。)
    I gathered that some suspicious happenings in the locality had led to this visitation by a police officer.(我估计应该是当地发生了什么可疑事件才把警察引到了这里。)
    It is pleasant to live in a locality where hospitality pervades.(住在好客成风的地方是很愉快的。)
    locality是什么意思 locality在线翻译 locality什么意思 locality的意思 locality的翻译 locality的解释 locality的发音 locality的同义词