英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [ˌmɒdənaɪ'zeɪʃn]

美 [ˌmɑdɚnəˈzeʃən]


第三人称复数:modernizations; modernisations

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释

  • 现代化
  • 现代化的事物
  • (剧本等的)现代版本



1. making modern in appearance or behavior

e.g. the modernization of Nigeria will be a long process

Synonym: modernisation

2. a modernized version (as of a play)


1. 现代化,(电梯)更新改造:modern 现代的 | modernization 现代化,(电梯)更新改造 | modernization overlay 全面改造,全面现代化

2. 现代化现代化改装:modernization 现代化 | modernization 现代化现代化改装 | modernize 使成现代化

There are four key areas in your organization that can benefit from working in an Enterprise Modernization Sandbox.(在您的公司内有四个关键的领域,它们可以从在EnterpriseModernizationSandbox中工作受益。)
The "modernization theory", which centers on the Lipset thesis, went through three stages: rise, decline, and revival.(以利普塞特论文为中心的“现代化理论”经历了三个阶段:上升,下降和复兴。)
Improvements to the C-130 avionics modernization include a digital glass cockpit and digital avionics.(C-130航空电子现代化的改进包括一个数字玻璃座舱和数字航空电子设备。)
All attempts at modernization were stamped on by senior officials.(旨在实现现代化的努力统统受到高级官员的压制。)
You can quickly experience and evaluate IBM's latest modernization solutions by simply logging in and getting connected to a live environment.(通过简单地登录并连接到一个真实环境中,您可以快速经历并评价IBM的最新更新方案。)
With the coming of information modernization, enterprises will quickly enter the network times without dispute.(随着信息时代的到来,企业将不可抗拒地加速进入信息网络时代。)
Late Qing Dynasty was the period of China's legal education modernization.(清末是中国法学教育的近代化时期。)
Feminization in news is a notable phenomenon during the period of post - modernization.(新闻“女性化”是引人注目的后现代主义现象。)
Modernization will bring a number of benefits to Chinese people.(现代化将给中国人民带来许多好处。)
Successful agricultural reform is also a sine qua non of Mexico's modernization.(成功的农业改革也是墨西哥实现现代化的必要条件。)
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