英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈaʊtbɜ:st]

美 [ˈaʊtbɜ:rst]



  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • (感情)爆发
  • 迸发
  • 喷发
  • 激增
  • 爆炸
  • 【化】爆燃
  • 发作
  • (感情)冲动
  • 发火
  • 大动肝火
  • 突如其来
  • 突然发出的攻击
  • 突然的滔滔不绝
  • 发展
  • 喷出
  • 突发
  • 激化
  • 破裂


1. a sudden violent disturbance

Synonym: tumultuous disturbance

2. an unrestrained expression of emotion

Synonym: effusiongushblowupebullition

3. a sudden intense happening

e.g. an outburst of heavy rain
a burst of lightning

Synonym: burstflare-up

1. (尤指愤怒等感情的)爆发,迸发
An outburst of an emotion, especially anger, is a sudden strong expression of that emotion.

e.g. ...an outburst of anger.
e.g. ...a spontaneous outburst of cheers and applause...

2. (暴力活动的)突发
An outburst of violent activity is a sudden period of this activity.

e.g. Five people were reported killed today in a fresh outburst of violence.
e.g. ...this first great outburst of nationalist student protest.

1. 爆发:out of balance不平衡 | outburst爆发 | outer space外层空间

2. outburst的反义词

2. 喷出:outbreak 喷出 | outburst 喷出 | outburst of gas 瓦斯突出

3. 爆发,爆炸:spark 闪烁,闪光 | outburst 爆发,爆炸burst | spark 引起,引发

4. 大爆发:teammate 队友 | outburst 大爆发 | clang 投篮不进,打铁

  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.outburst

With these main reasons in mind, we can evaluate our level of anger throughout the day and prevent cases of outbursts by comprehending the reasons for our feelings.

考虑到这些主要原因, 我们可以评估一天中我们的愤怒程度, 并通过理解我们情绪的原因来防止情绪爆发。


Startled by this outburst, Sun Quan responded, "Speak plainly, Mother. Why are you so distressed?"(孙权失惊曰:“母亲有话明说,何苦如此?”?)
When people are not aware of how they are feeling, they can sometimes let anger cause an unhealthy outburst.(当人们不清楚自己的感受时,有时会以不健康的方式发火。)
Light Echo Years After Stellar outburst.(恒星爆发数年后的回光。)
See every opportunity for an outburst as a test(把每次要爆发的机会看作是一个测试)
They found that the black hole became 100 times brighter following an outburst on Jan. 6, 2006.(科研人员发现继2006年6月6日的一次大爆发后,黑洞的亮度已经增加了100倍。)
There was an outburst of laughter in the hall.(大厅里迸发出一阵笑声。)
M. Gillenormand wrung his hands with an outburst of terrible laughter.(吉诺曼先生扭绞着双手,同时骇人地放声大笑。)
The upshot was an outburst of intense competition between the Phonograph and Bell's machine, the Graphophone.(结果这种留声机和贝尔的格拉福风留声机之间爆发了激烈的竞争。)
His speech prompted an angry outburst from a man in the crowd.(他的讲话激起了人群中一男子的愤怒。)
My outburst last week could have been improved on.(我上周的暴怒本可以有所改进。)
outburst是什么意思 outburst在线翻译 outburst什么意思 outburst的意思 outburst的翻译 outburst的解释 outburst的发音 outburst的同义词