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英 [ˌfəʊtəˈgræfɪk]

美 [ˌfoʊtəˈgræfɪk]


副词: photographically 异体字: photographical

  • 详情解释

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  • 摄影(用)的
  • 摄制的
  • 逼真的
  • 摄影术的
  • 生动的
  • 照相(似)的
  • 照片的
  • 能详细记住所见事物的
  • 感光
  • 记得详细准确的
  • 像照下来的


1. representing people or nature with the exactness and fidelity of a photograph

2. relating to photography or obtained by using photography

e.g. photographic equipment

1. 摄影的;照片的
Photographic means connected with photographs or photography.

e.g. ...photographic equipment...
e.g. The bank is able to provide photographic evidence of who used the machine.

...photographically reproduced copies of his notes.

2. (记忆)精确的,能详细记录的
If you have a photographic memory, you are able to remember things in great detail after you have seen them.

e.g. He had a photographic memory for maps.


1. 照相的:photograph 相片 | photographic 照相的 | photography 摄影

2. 摄影的:photogrammetry 摄影测量学 | photographic 摄影的 | photographic detection 照相探测

3. 摄影般的:commit=委托,托负 | photographic =摄影般的 | 13.now let's not dissolve into threats,all right.别化为恐吓好么?


4. (摄影):285. Parade(旅行) | 286. Photographic(摄影) | 287. Sky News(天空新闻)

  • 经典引文

  • Who is to blame for bad photographic books?

    出自:Creative Camera
  • Dental and photographic evidence..established that the girl was Marion Miller.

    出自:J. G. Ballard
Once he took us to be photographed with him in some big English photographic studio.(有一次,他带我们到一个很大的英国照相馆里去照相。)
A photographic exhibition opens at the Smithsonian on Wednesday.(一个摄影展周三在史密森尼博物馆开幕。)
You don't expect photographic accuracy in something that looks like a quick sketch.(看到一幅貌似随手画的素描时,你不会期待里面的图像有摄影般的精准。)
They produced a photographic record of the event.(他们把这一事件制作了一套照片实录。)
Photographic plates can barely reach 10 percent.(感光板只能达到百分之十。)
It begins with a description of what, for Eggleston, was a photographic Epiphany.(对于艾格尔·斯顿来说,这本书刚开始描述的是一种摄影的顿悟。)
The Chilkat remains one of Alaska's best winter photographic destinations.(奇尔卡特仍然是阿拉斯加最好的冬季摄影目的地之一。)
I'd been working as a sales rep for a photographic company.(我一直在担任一家摄影公司的销售代表。)
The equipment of the photographic studio was expensive.(这个摄影室的装备花费巨大。)
And we record here. And this is the blowup of what is on that photographic plate.(我们在这里记录,这是感光片所拥有的东西的放大形式。)
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