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更新时间:2025-03-24 19:26:36



英 [ˈpleɪdʒərɪzəm]

美 [ˈpledʒəˌrɪzəm]


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形容词: plagiaristic 名词: plagiarist

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  • 剽窃
  • 剽窃物
  • 剽窃作品
  • 抄袭物
  • 剽窃的思想、情节等
  • 抄袭
  • 假装是自己的想法或首创的实践


1. the act of plagiarizing
taking someone's words or ideas as if they were your own

Synonym: plagiarizationplagiarisationpiracy

2. a piece of writing that has been copied from someone else and is presented as being your own work

1. 剽窃;抄袭
Plagiarism is the practice of using or copying someone else's idea or work and pretending that you thought of it or created it.

e.g. Now he's in real trouble. He's accused of plagiarism.

Colleagues call Oates an unlikely plagiarist.

2. 剽窃物;抄袭物
A plagiarism is an idea or a piece of writing or music that has been secretly copied from someone else's work.


e.g. Most famous political quotes are plagiarisms and this was no exception.

1. plagiarism的近义词

1. 抄袭:[见[[抄袭]](plagiarism)和[[合理使用]](fair use)中的关於在普通情况下对一个资料进行多少修改才是合适的讨论]您通过某种允许使用GFDL的渠道取得该材料,例如该材料不受专利权限制(in public domain)或者该材料本身就是在GFDL条款下发行

2. plagiarism在线翻译

2. 剽窃,抄袭:科学道德问题纷繁复杂,当前国际上把其中最典型的、较严重的问题归结为科学不端行为(scientific misconduct),而发达国家科学界近年来又把科学不端行为的范畴严格限制在伪造科研成果(fabrication),弄虚作假(falsification)和剽窃抄袭(plagiarism)三方面.

3. 剽窃、剽窃物:phosphorus 磷 | plagiarism 剽窃、剽窃物 | plantation 耕地、种植园、大农场、森林

  • 经典引文

  • Plagiarism is the worst of his crimes. He brazenly takes over the best known passages.

    出自:R. Ellmann
But there are really only two points to make. (1) Plagiarism is a learned sin.(但确是有两点是明确的:(1)剽窃确实是学术犯罪。)
But he has been found guilty of plagiarism.(不过,他曾被判剽窃罪成立。)
The consequences of plagiarism were dire.(剽窃会造成这样的后果,着实令人恐怖。)
(2) Plagiarism is not a philosophical issue.((2)剽窃不是个哲学问题。)
Now before you start writing a letter to your lawyer, let me make one thing very clear: I’m not advocating plagiarism at all.(现在在你开始给你的律师之前,让我说清楚这点:我根本不是在提倡抄袭。)
Plagiarism saves time.(剽窃节约时间。)
Whenever it comes up plagiarism is a hot button topic and essays about it tend to be philosophically and morally inflated.(不论什么时候提起剽窃,它都是个热门话题。)
Academic plagiarism is seriously dealt with in the developed world.(发达国家对学术剽窃问题都是慎重对待。)
A philosopher from Yunnan University, Wang was a victim of plagiarism.(作为来自云南大学的哲学家,王是剽窃的受害者。)
Around a third — 1,414 — of the penalised candidates took part in plagiarism, collusion or copying another's work.(受罚的考生中有三分之一(1414人)采取抄书、串通作答或抄别人答案的方式进行作弊。)
plagiarism是什么意思 plagiarism在线翻译 plagiarism什么意思 plagiarism的意思 plagiarism的翻译 plagiarism的解释 plagiarism的发音 plagiarism的同义词