英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:21:54


英 [ˈplenɪtju:d]

美 [ˈplenɪtu:d]


形容词: plenitudinous

  • 详情解释

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  • 丰富
  • 完全
  • 充分
  • 充实
  • 【医】胃胀
  • 大量
  • 充裕
  • 众多
  • 充满
  • 充足
  • 绝顶
  • 【医】胀满
  • 丰盛


1. a full supply

e.g. there was plenty of food for everyone

Synonym: plentyplentifulnessplenteousnessplentitude

1. 完满
Plenitude is a feeling that an experience is satisfying because it is full or complete.

e.g. The music brought him a feeling of plenitude and freedom.
e.g. ...the safety and plenitude of their life.

2. 丰富;充足;大量
If there is a plenitude of something, there is a great quantity of it.


e.g. What is the use of a book about interior design without a plenitude of pictures in color?

1. 充分:plenipotentiary 全权大使 | plenitude 充分 | plenitudinous 充分的

2. 丰富:pledge 保证 | plenitude 丰富 | plenty 丰富

3. 完全,大量:plenitude 完全,大量 | pleonastic 冗长的,罗嗦的 | plethora 过量,过剩

4. 充足、充分:platitude 單調、平凡、陳腐 | plenitude 充足、充分 | similitude 相似

  • 经典引文

  • God in the full plenitude of majesty.

    出自:P. E. Dove
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

We have known Thee, o generative Plenitude of all Nature, Eternal Permanence!(我们认识你,哦所有天性充分的繁殖,永恒的永久!)
The music brought him a feeling of plenitude and freedom.(这音乐带给他一种完满和自由的感觉。)
AFTER a scintilla of regret over lost youth, to turn 50 should be to enter the prime of life, with a plenitude of projects and achievements.(逝去的青春岁月会让人感到些许遗憾,但满载着计划和成就进入50岁却标志着生命黄金期的到来。)
It make our grounds of argument more plenitude, and make our fruit of research more valuable to practice.(使本文论据更充分,研究成果也更有实用价值。)
The creature in question arose as a general symbol of plenitude and good fortune, partly because the Chinese character yang shares roots with the one for auspiciousness, he said.(引发讨论的这种动物之所以成为富足和好运的普遍象征,在一定程度上是因为“羊”这个汉字,与象征吉祥的汉字有同样的组成部分。)
This midsummer plenitude of fruits and vegetables.(车里堆满了水果和蔬菜。)
When the signal is interfered with white gaussian noise, the external information of the observed can be expressed by the plenitude statistic, and output signal can also be checked.(运用充分统计量法所述理论,可将观测空间由无限压缩至有限,当信号受到高斯白噪声的干扰时可用充分统计量表示被观测量的全部信息并检测出确知信号。)
I truly believe the goal of every first-time marathoner should be to reach the finish line upright and vertical as the distance alone is a plenitude of challenge!(我坚信首次跑马拉松的目标应该是达到终点线时挺直了别趴下,因为该距离本身就是一个挑战!)
A new plenitude and a new financial system are waiting to coil out.(一种新的金融体系正在等待推出。)
What is the use of a book about interior design without a plenitude of pictures in colour?(如果没有大量的彩色图片,一本有关室内设计的书还有什么用呢?)
plenitude是什么意思 plenitude在线翻译 plenitude什么意思 plenitude的意思 plenitude的翻译 plenitude的解释 plenitude的发音 plenitude的同义词