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英 [prəˈvɪʒənl]

美 [prəˈvɪʒənəl]



副词: provisionally

  • 详情解释

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  • 临时的
  • 暂定的
  • 暂时(性)的
  • 假定的
  • 紧急
  • 应急的
  • 试行的
  • 预备的
  • 临时邮票
  • 临时派成员
  • 临时性
  • 临时人员


1. under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon

e.g. probationary employees
a provisional government
just a tentative schedule

Synonym: probationaryprovisionarytentative

1. 临时的;暂时性的;暂定的
You use provisional to describe something that has been arranged or appointed for the present, but may be changed in the future.

e.g. ...the possibility of setting up a provisional coalition government...
e.g. If you have never held a driving licence before, you should apply for a provisional licence...

The seven republics had provisionally agreed to the new relationship on November 14th.

1. 临时:这是一个经典力学中的概念,一方面可以用作精炼某些临时(provisional)原子力学的方法,另一方面联系了原子力学和统计力学--即使埃伦费斯特并不接受玻尔的想法.

2. 临时的:providential 幸运的 | provisional 临时的 | provoke 刺激,引起

3. 暂时的,假定的:province 省,州,地方 | provisional 暂时的,假定的 | provisional ligature 临时结扎线

4. 暂时的:provincial省的,地方的 | provisional暂时的 | prude装成规矩的女人n

5. provisional:prov; 暂时性的

  • 经典引文

  • He confirmed the provisional diagnosis.

    出自:A. Hutschnecker
  • All plans were provisional.

    出自:C. Harman
The Bank of Spain put CajaSur, a lender based in Cordoba, under a provisional administrator two days ago.(两天前,位于科尔多瓦的西班牙CajaSur银行被临时接管。)
These times are provisional and subject to confirmation.(这些期限是暂定的,还有待确认。)
Japan has regulations in place relating to provisional regulatory limits of radioactivity in food.(日本具有与食品中放射性临时管制限量有关的规定。)
A government efficiency expert has found that almost all provisional arrests meet standards for adequacy of evidence that watch commanders enforce.(一位政府效率专家发现,几乎所有的临时逮捕都符合监督指挥官执行的证据充足的标准。)
Workers would think of the provisional bonus as theirs, and work harder to prevent it from being taken away.(员工们会认为这个“临时”的奖金是归他们所有的,并且更加努力的工作来防止奖金被收回。)
Due to delayed and irregular reporting these, figures should be considered provisional.(由于延迟和不定期报告,应将这些数字视为临时数字。)
The springtime is a provisional paradise, the sun helps man to have patience.(春天是暂时的天堂,阳光使人变得坚韧有力。)
One work-around for this is to break up the tests into a must-pass project and a provisional project.(变通方式,是把测试拆分成必须通过(must-pass)的项目和临时项目。)
Note that this is a provisional API, and that it is likely to evolve over time.(注意这是临时api,并可能随时间而发生变化。)
An arrest made by a Midville police officer is provisional until the officer has taken the suspect to the police station and the watch commander has officially approved the arrest.(米德维尔警官的逮捕是临时性的,直到警官将嫌疑人带到警察局,值班指挥官正式批准逮捕为止。)
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