英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:49:12


英 [ˈpʌlvəraɪz]

美 [ˈpʌlvəˌraɪz]


形容词: pulverizable 名词: pulverization 过去式: pulverized 过去分词: pulverized 现在分词: pulverizing 第三人称单数: pulverizes

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1. make into a powder by breaking up or cause to become dust

e.g. pulverize the grains

Synonym: powderizepowderisepowderpulverise

2. become powder or dust

e.g. When it was blown up, the building powderized

Synonym: powderizepulverisepowderise

3. destroy completely

e.g. the wrecking ball demolished the building
demolish your enemies
pulverize the rebellion before it gets out of hand

Synonym: demolishpulverise

in AM, also use 美国英语亦用 pulverise

1. 严重损坏;彻底摧毁
To pulverize something means to do great damage to it or to destroy it completely.

e.g. ...the economic policies which pulverised the economy during the 1980s...
e.g. A factory making armaments had been bombed the night before and a residential area not far away had been pulverized.

2. 彻底击败;彻底战胜
If someone pulverizes an opponent in an election or competition, they thoroughly defeat them.

e.g. He is set to pulverise his two opponents in the race for the presidency.

3. 把…磨成粉
If you pulverize something, you make it into a powder by crushing it.

e.g. Using a pestle and mortar, pulverise the bran to a coarse powder...
e.g. The fries are made from pellets of pulverised potato.

1. 粉碎:吸收46%伤害,24秒内增加50%伤害,增加46%力量,46生命,降低30%施法速度 8 主动使用消耗25能量,吸收50%伤害,24秒内增加50%伤害,增加50%力量,50生命,降低30%施法速度 粉碎(Pulverize) 一种战斗技能,利用盾牌猛击敌人,


2. (研磨成粉):19.19 Mosaic(马赛克) | 19.20 Pulverize(研磨成粉) | 19.21 Scatter(散开)

3. 磨碎:pulverite 细粒沉积岩 | pulverize 磨碎 | pulverized coal 粉煤

4. 使成粉末;研磨;粉碎:prune删除;删改;修剪 | pulverize使成粉末;研磨;粉碎 | ratify批准;认可

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In the event of a precise hit, the kinetic energy of the EKV and the missile will pulverize the warhead and destroy any nuclear, chemical, or biological agents it might be carrying.(在精确拦截的情况下,EKV的动能和导弹会粉碎弹头并摧毁任何导弹可能携带核能、化学能或者生物能的杀伤制剂。)
The invention can pulverize foamed plastic with larger hardness and has good pulverizing effect, and the size of a pulverized foamed plastic block is uniform.(本发明可粉碎硬度较大的泡沫塑料,粉碎后的泡沫塑料块大小均匀,粉碎效果好。)
It is the equipment to pulverize and mix the material in the process of gangue, coal ash shale.(该机主要用于煤矸石、粉煤灰、页岩等原料生产过程,是原料处理关键设备。)
It can pulverize a boulder in one strike.(它可以一下就粉碎一块巨石。)
On other occasions I threatened to pulverize it.(在其它的时刻,我扬言要粉碎它。)
Most stones can be excreted, but in about 15% of cases, surgery or shockwave treatment to pulverize the stones is. needed.(大多数肾结石能排掉,但有大约15%的病例,需要动手术或用冲击波治疗才能粉碎肾结石。)
Level 1 - Summons an Infernal with weak Pulverize and average attack.(一级-召唤一个具有一般攻击力的地域火。)
The pigment is introduced into the airbrushing gun and using low pressure the gun will pulverize the makeup on the surface of the skin.(将粉底颜料装入喷枪中,使用低压将粉碎后的粉底颜料喷到皮肤表面。)
Gamageroge 537: it makes the lumps on its fists vibrate to double the power of its punches. It can pulverize a boulder in one strike.(它振动拳头上的块状物来双倍加强攻击力。它可以一下就粉碎一块巨石。)
We'll pulverize an area 3.5 miles wide with saturation bombing.(我们将以地毯式轰炸炸平三英里半宽的地区。)
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