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英 [əˈnaɪəleɪt]

美 [əˈnaɪəˌlet]


形容词: annihilable 名词: annihilability 过去式: annihilated 过去分词: annihilated 现在分词: annihilating 第三人称单数: annihilates

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1. kill in large numbers

e.g. the plague wiped out an entire population

Synonym: eliminateextinguisheradicatewipe outdecimatecarry off

1. 歼灭;消灭;毁灭;彻底击溃
To annihilate something means to destroy it completely.

e.g. There are lots of ways of annihilating the planet...
e.g. The Army was annihilated.

...the threat of nuclear war and annihilation of the human race.

2. (在竞赛或争论中)彻底击败,大胜
If you annihilate someone in a contest or argument, you totally defeat them.

e.g. The Dutch annihilated the Olympic champions 5-0.

1. 歼灭:分为歼灭(Annihilate)和胜利点控制(Victory Point Control)两种. 其中歼灭可以简单理解为摧毁敌军全部建筑和单位. 胜利点控制则类似于积分模式--玩家通过占领地图上的重要控制点来减少对方的初始分数,直到对方的分数降低到0时获胜.

2. 灭绝:annex 附加;合□ | annihilate 灭绝 | anniversary 周年纪念

3. 消灭,歼灭:Nihil无,虚无,(根) | annihilate 消灭,歼灭 | nominal 名义上的,不重要的

  • 经典引文

  • To adnihilate the sacraments ministred by heretikes.

    出自:W. Fulke
I was embarrassed how to punish him when I discovered his part in the business: he's such a cobweb, a pinch would annihilate him.(当我发现他参与了这件事时,我不知道该如何惩罚他才好:他是一个蜘蛛网,一抓就要使他消亡。)
Are you allowed to annihilate your trees if you're just renting?(如果你只是租户的话,你可以砍伐树木吗?)
The problem is that whenever antimatter comes into contact with regular matter, the two annihilate.(反物质一旦接触到普通物质,两者即会同时湮灭。)
This is a what kind of union? BE who straight them to come to annihilate ours?(这是一个什么样的组织?是谁指使他们来杀我们的?)
When a particle encounters its antiparticle, they "annihilate" each other, disappearing in a high-energy flash of light.(当一个粒子遇到它的反物质的时候,他们会湮灭彼此,同时放出夺目的高能闪光。)
These positrons then come into contact with electrons in the body, and the two annihilate, releasing two gamma-ray photons.(正电子与人体组织中的电子发生作用而湮灭,产生两个伽玛射线光子。)
The human race has enough weapons to annihilate itself.(人类有足够的武器灭绝自己。)
When matter and antimatter meet, they annihilate, converting their mass into energy in a powerful explosion.(当物质和反物质相遇时,它们就会自动湮灭,并在强大的爆炸中把它们的质量转换成能量。)
Matter and antimatter, as is well known, annihilate each other on contact.(众所周知,物质和反物质在相互接触时会湮灭对方。)
I will annihilate him and everything that he loves!(我会歼灭他,还有他的所爱!)
annihilate是什么意思 annihilate在线翻译 annihilate什么意思 annihilate的意思 annihilate的翻译 annihilate的解释 annihilate的发音 annihilate的同义词