英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:50:41



英 [pəˈpɔ:t]

美 [pərˈpɔ:rt]



过去式: purported 过去分词: purported 现在分词: purporting 第三人称单数: purports

  • 英英释义

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1. the pervading meaning or tenor

e.g. caught the general drift of the conversation

Synonym: drift

2. the intended meaning of a communication

Synonym: intentspirit


1. propose or intend

e.g. I aim to arrive at noon

Synonym: aimpurposepropose

2. have the often specious appearance of being, intending, or claiming

e.g. The letter purports to express people's opinion

1. 声称;自称;标榜
If you say that someone or something purports to do or be a particular thing, you mean that they claim to do or be that thing, although you may not always believe that claim.

e.g. ...a book that purports to tell the whole truth.

1. 意义:从联系的意义上,文本整体获得一种所谓主旨性意义(purport而从循环关系上,这种主旨又反过来使语句甚至语词获得了一些字面之外的含义. 如果再引入作者和阅读者的表达和接受语境等外部环节,语义的取值范围就更加难以确定,


2. 声称:provoke 刺激,引起 | purport 声称 | purpose 用意,目的


3. 意义;涵义:pilfer 盗, 偷, 窃 | purport 意义;涵义 | purported 传说的,谣传的

  • 经典引文

  • The purport of your private letter.

    出自:G. Washington
  • Words..too indistinct for him to understand their purport.

    出自:J. Conrad
  • What purported to be the draft of a will.

    出自:D. L. Sayers
  • His paintings purport to show the domestic scenes..of the ancients.

    出自:A. Robertson
  • Those who purport to act in their name.

We meditate upon the purport of Your name, discuss Your name amongst ourselves, and chant Your name continuously.(我们冥想着您圣名的要旨,讨论着您圣名的深意,还不断唱颂着您的圣名。)
Another type of degree mill will purport to look at anapplicant’s life experience and award a degree based solely on a description ofthis experience.(还有一种形式的“学位作坊”,言称只看申请者的生活经历,主要以申请者的经历为基础颁发学位。)
I published thirteen books the whole purport of which was I am sick.(我出版了13部著作,全部的要义就可浓缩成这句,我病了。)
Proponents of this view argue that happiness indicators, based on surveys that purport to measure how happy people feel, have stagnated over decades.(支持此种观点的人指出,基于所谓幸福感调查的幸福指标,已停滞了几十年。)
Finally, the purport and means of cable network enterprise enhancing product management are analyzed.(最后分析了在有线网络企业中加强产品管理的意义及其方法和措施。)
I profess, on my conscience and character, that I am utterly bewildered as touching the purport of your words!(老实讲,以我的良心和人格担保,我对您这番话的含义实在莫名其妙!)
Then it is impossible to purport to a strong objectivity in light of theory-ladenness and error in observation.(显然,从观察的理论负荷性以及观察的可错性来看,并不能够得到强客观性的辩护。)
The ideal person should not only meet the material needs, but also get the performance meet the spiritual purport. — Hagel.(理想的人物不仅要在物质需要的满足上,还要在精神旨趣的满足上得到表现。——黑格尔。)
There are now more than 500 products that 11)purport to relieve symptoms associated with menopause.(现在市面上有超过500种产品声称能缓解更年期症状。)
This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use.(这一标准不求解决所有的安全问题,如果有的话,有关它的使用。)
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