英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:54:17



英 [kwel]

美 [kwɛl]


过去式: quelled 过去分词: quelled 现在分词: quelling 第三人称单数: quells

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  • 镇压
  • 平息
  • 消除
  • 制止
  • 减轻
  • 压制
  • 镇定
  • 止住
  • 抑制
  • 把...压下去
  • 打败
  • 将了一军
  • 缓解
  • 结束
  • 缓和
  • 使镇静
  • 屠杀
  • 谋杀
  • 杀戮


1. suppress or crush completely

e.g. squelch any sign of dissent
quench a rebellion

Synonym: squelchquench

2. overcome or allay

e.g. quell my hunger

Synonym: stayappease

1. 压制;消除;镇压;平息
To quell opposition or violent behaviour means to stop it.

e.g. Troops eventually quelled the unrest.

2. 消除,祛除(害怕、愤怒等)
If you quell an unpleasant feeling such as fear or anger, you stop yourself or other people from having that feeling.

e.g. The Information Minister is trying to quell fears of a looming oil crisis.

1. 平息:警方(police)试图用催泪弹(tear gas)、水枪(water hose)、装甲车辆(armored vehicle)及路障(roadblock)来平息(quell)暴乱. 一般认为暴乱的起因(cause)是6月25日南方某地两名维族工人被汉族同事(co-worker)杀害.

2. 镇压:科学提倡怀疑精神,宗教信仰镇压(quell)怀疑精神,你对此认可多少?法国的中学毕业会考(Bac)的第一门考试是哲学作文. 说是哲学,其实是也涉及美学、社会学,很像中国高考的命题作文,考生要在四个小时内写出一篇像模像样的论文来. 文学、经济社会、科学类毕业生可以分别在下列三个题目中任选一个:

3. 镇压,平息:quash镇压,粉碎 | quell镇压,平息 | reduced a penalty减刑

4. 压制:purge#洗清 | quell#压制 | quibble#模棱两可地说

  • 经典引文

  • His spongy officers..shall bear the guilt Of our great quell.

  • He quelled mutinies on the high seas.

    出自:J. Conrad
  • The old man was shockingly frail..but nothing could quell his exuberant spirit.

    出自:A. Brink
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Once such expectations are established, inflation takes on a life of its own, and it can be extremely costly to quell.(一旦制定了通胀预期,通胀就会自生自灭,而根除通胀的代价将极为高昂。)
To quell the fear my brother had instilled in me, my mom rushed out and bought me “Barbie: Super Model”.(妈妈看到我被吓成那样子,立刻冲出去买了一个“芭比:超级模特”给我压惊。)
He is unlikely to send in the army to quell nationalist aspirations.(他不大可能派军队来压制民族主义倾向。)
Yet these advantages cannot quell a nagging unease.(然而这些有利因素不能平息烦扰不安。)
Unfortunately, in some patients their narcotic effects lead to addiction and the need for ever-escalating doses to quell pain.(不幸的是,有些病人由于该药麻醉作用导致成瘾,需要不断增大用药剂量来缓解疼痛。)
They cannot be persuaded by reason, and even a skillful sorcerer may not be able to quell them.(什么也劝阻不了它们的复仇行动,甚至有道行的法师也无法把它们镇住。)
That is unlikely to quell its critics.(但这不大可能让它的批评者消声。)
Extra police were called in to quell the disturbances.(已调集了增援警力来平定骚乱。)
But from the start, 57% of the French public has seen DSK's arrest as part of a plot, so denials are unlikely to quell rumours.(但是从一开始,57%的法国民众就视卡恩被捕一事为一个阴谋的一部分,所以否认不太可能平息流言蜚语。)
MCBRIDE: I will quell them straight.(麦克布莱德:我会立马搞掂他们。)
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