英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:58:25


英 [ˈræmblɪŋ]

美 [ˈræmblɪŋ]


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副词: ramblingly

  • 英英释义

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1. of a path e.g.

e.g. meandering streams
rambling forest paths
the river followed its wandering course
a winding country road

Synonym: meandering(a)wandering(a)winding

2. (of e.g. speech and writing) tending to depart from the main point or cover a wide range of subjects

e.g. amusingly digressive with satirical thrusts at women's fashions among other things
a rambling discursive book
his excursive remarks
a rambling speech about this and that

Synonym: digressivediscursiveexcursive

3. spreading out in different directions

e.g. sprawling handwriting
straggling branches
straggly hair

Synonym: sprawlingstragglingstraggly

1. (建筑)大而无当的,格局凌乱的
A rambling building is big and old with an irregular shape.

e.g. ...that rambling house and its bizarre contents.

2. (讲话或写作)冗长含糊的,杂乱无章的
If you describe a speech or piece of writing as rambling, you are criticizing it for being too long and very confused.

e.g. His actions were accompanied by a rambling monologue...
e.g. Cameron wrote a rambling letter to his wife.

1. 漫步的:rambler 漫步者 | rambling 漫步的 | rambunctious 粗暴的

2. 逸航:ramark 雷达航标雷达指向标 | rambling 逸航 | rambow 球鼻型船首

3. 杂乱无章的:marking 标记 | rambling 杂乱无章的 | trembling 震颤的

4. 散步:division (按体重、年龄、技术等划分的)级 | ? rambling 散步 | ? water-based sports 水上运动

  • 经典引文

  • In and out of her ramblings..came clear threads of memory.

    出自:A. Wilson
  • I have long, rambling conversations with him.

    出自:G. Swift
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

He writes what has been dubbed as his own blog: occasional, often rambling opinion pieces which are dutifully published in the state media.(他有自己所谓的博客,偶尔发表一些零碎感想,官方媒体都会尽职出版。)
Diggi Palace, a faded rambling pile built in the 1860s as a grand town house for a rural Rajasthan ruler.(迪吉宫是拉贾斯坦邦长于19世纪60年代建造的宏伟宅邸,如今已衰败为一片散乱的院落。)
Instead, Ellison delivered a OpenWorld keynote that many found to be rambling.(相反,埃里森发表了一篇在许多人看来有点漫无边际的主旨演讲。)
Pruning rambling roses: once-flowering ramblers such as Goldfinch are best pruned in November when the stems are still pliable.(修剪蔓生蔷薇:开花后的蔓生蔷薇品种如金翅雀等最好的修剪时间是在11月间,这时它的枝条仍然柔软。)
It was easy to get lost in the rambling house.(在布局凌乱的大房子里容易迷路。)
To see him, I should say, that instead of rambling with his sweetheart on the hills, he ought to be in bed, under the hands of a doctor.(瞧着他,我得说,他不该陪他的心上人在山上闲逛,他应该在医生照料下,躺在床上。)
Suddenly, the story becomes a rambling psychological study of the author himself.(忽然,小说开始进行作者自身心理的研究,且此内容漫无边际。)
We spent the summer rambling in Ireland.(我们花了一个夏天漫游爱尔兰。)
Oda Mae Brown: I don't think I'm rambling, I'm just answering the question.(OdaMaeBrown:我没有不着边际地说话。我只是在回答一个问题。)
What is she rambling on about now?(她现在又在东拉西扯些什么呀?)
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